What’s recently happened?
On the night of January 21, the Morgan Township High School (MTHS) boys varsity basketball team took home the Porter County Conference (PCC) tournament win!
After a hard and grueling game against Westville High School, the boys came home with not only a trophy, but a great feeling of pride and accomplishment. All the boys on the team have put in hours, days, weeks, and months of time and intense training to get where they are.

The most recent time the MTHS boys basketball team won the PCC tournament was in the 2017-2018 school year. The long-awaited time makes the hard work all the more worth it to bring home such a huge achievement.
The boys did not go alone, though. Fans and cheerleaders alike all contributed to not only the mood but the volume of such positivity. With all the cheering and encouragement, MTHS fans really made the players feel appreciated. Along with these great supporters come, of course, the loving parents and their benevolent cheers.
The boys and coaches have brought a lot of congratulations to the halls of MTHS these past few days and more hope for the future.
What’s coming up?
MTHS band has been very active in the past few months, appearing in more places than one. With pep band, concerts, and jazz fest performances, Darren Day has worked incredibly hard to provide a welcoming program for growing students, especially the ever-improving jazz band.
The group recently played at the infamous gathering of jazz musicians: the Purdue Jazz Festival, and they don’t plan on stopping there. Day has been pouring time and plenty of effort into developing the independence of the group, working on musicality, and bonding between the group members.

The dynamics between the crew have grown throughout the season not only on the stage but in the classroom. Learning to communicate and work through the twists and turns of music.
The MTHS Jazz Band will be performing for the Cafè Jazz fundraiser for the MTHS band coming up next month. There will be food served and, of course, beautiful music played by the MTHS Jazz Band. This will be the only fundraiser of the year, and the jazz group is excited to strut their skills. Head out to MTHS on March 18 anywhere from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. to relax in a welcoming and jazzy scene.
Staff spotlight:
Kevin Krieger is a teacher, coach, and ever-friendly heart at MTHS. In his sixteenth year at MTHS, Krieger teaches a multitude of classes including government, economics, world history, & AP Government. In the past, he has also taught U.S. History, current events, and a Holocaust class.
Krieger is not only a wise mind at MTHS in the classroom but on the court. Krieger has coached basketball a total of 24 seasons of basketball, going on his third as the boys varsity coach.

This year’s season thus far has been beyond what Krieger has expected from the team.
“They have been fantastic to work with and have developed a great culture,” said Krieger.
As a group, the boys and coaches have put in an abundance of dedication to function at the level they do.
In regards to the PCC tournament, Krieger points out the way the boys worked through their adversities in each game.
“I loved the way the team responded in each circumstance. They kept their composure and believed in each other,” said Krieger.
The PCC tournament win was a special moment and achievement for both the team and the coaches, but there is always room for improvement and more goals to achieve. The season isn’t over yet.
The individuals on the team and those who come to support bring a whole new level of school spirit and sportsmanship. The level of encouragement provided is especially interesting to Krieger.
“The Morgan fans and community support are pretty cool, too. You don't get that everywhere,” said Krieger.
The dynamic of the team this year has been spectacular, thanks to the leadership of the team and specific players.
“Bryant Ricke, our only senior, has been a wonderful influence on our teams. He has done a great job mentoring some of the younger players, as well. He will be hard to replace.” Said Kieger.
The lively team that has been built this season has brought new light to the team, and will hopefully continue in the future and next season.
Student Spotlight:
Keagen Holder is a junior at MTHS and has been a long-time Cherokee since his kindergarten days. Holder is a generous hand at MTHS and invests time into not only academics but athletics.
Holder is a basketball, volleyball, and baseball player, and former cross-country runner. He is especially known for his thrilling skills on the basketball court. Holder has been invested in basketball since day one, being raised in a family of basketball players.
“My whole life I have played basketball, growing up watching my older brother and sister play and wanting to follow in their footsteps.” Holder said.
Not only was Holder naturally born into the sport, but has been playing in leagues from the time he was no older than four.

Naturally, Holder has endowed his time in basketball every day since.
“Not many days throughout the year when I don't have a basketball in my hands,” said Holder.
Holder is not the only player on his team investing in the sport. Many of the boys on the MTHS basketball team work quite hard at what they do, physically as well as mentally. As much time as these boys spend together, you can imagine the wonderful relationships they build.
To speak on the most important part of the team is difficult, but it seems the relationships built on the team encapsulate the brotherhood constructed throughout the year.
“The bond of all of us guys goes beyond the court and it's a culture we hope to maintain next year and hopefully, it becomes something that sticks around for years to come,” said Holder.
The time they invest is well spent, but what is to come when seniors leave the scene? These big shifts between players bring out the leadership in each individual. Holder especially recalls last year when the team lost four starting players, causing him to step into a leadership position. He also points out the importance of the roles that his teammates played when they stepped in to lead the team through the season.
“We lost a lot of leadership so it was up to guys like myself, Jack Wheeler, and Bryant Ricke to fill those positions,” said Holder.
It was through all of this time and effort that Holder is as good a player as he is today. In the last seconds of the PCC tournament game against Westville, he exhibited his skills with a bone-chillingly timed slam dunk, bringing home the win as well as plenty of praise.
Holder has left his mark on the team, but more importantly, MTHS as a whole. The positive mentality Holder brings to MTHS is unmatched and will be remembered.