Home»Entertainment»Gatherings»United Way Northwest Indiana annual Bunco Bash event raises funds to support Women United initiatives

United Way Northwest Indiana annual Bunco Bash event raises funds to support Women United initiatives

United Way Northwest Indiana annual Bunco Bash event raises funds to support Women United initiatives

On Thursday, United Way Northwest Indiana’s Women United group held its annual Bunco Bash, a philanthropic event that supports Northwest Indiana women and children in need. A few services that Women United supports include volunteering at various institutions by providing life skill classes and hosting donation drives throughout the Region.

United Way of NWI Bunco 2023

United Way of NWI Bunco 2023 64 Photos
United Way of NWI Bunco 2023United Way of NWI Bunco 2023United Way of NWI Bunco 2023United Way of NWI Bunco 2023

At Bunco Bash, local women in the community came together to have fun and support Women United’s cause. The loud excitement and chatter in the room represented the excitement and engagement of attendees. Each table was sponsored by a local business or organization, and table members engaged into a memorable evening of Bunco. A cash raffle and silent auction were held at the event, with all proceeds going towards supporting the Women United initiative.

Kathy Ricke, Women United program manager, is proud to be a part of Women United and enjoys seeing Bunco Bash grow annually.

“I don’t take my life and my family situation for granted, but I don’t think everybody has that same experience,” Ricke said. “Women United members help other women and children have the experiences that they deserve. I believe in what we do, and seeing 250 women here today, they believe in it too.”

Courtney Smith, a United Way member and volunteer at Bunco Bash for the last three years, was among those that believe in what Women United does. She talked about the importance of asking for help and how this event spreads United Way’s mission to more people.

“There are many people who don’t choose to get help, and they’re already at a disadvantage,” Smith said. “When they choose to get help, they shouldn’t be made to feel less than and they deserve to be respected. These women here today are all community members, but they may not be a part of our Women United group. They get to hear what we offer and it helps them become engaged.”

Bunco Bash is an opportunity for women to network with each other, find ways that they can help in the community, and put a spotlight on those that are making a difference. To that end, Trisha Devenport was honored with the Inspiring the Change Award.

Sarah Maiers attended Bunco Bash for the first time, having recently moved to the area.

“This has been a great experience for me, to get to meet people and understand what’s going on in this community,” Maiers said. “It feels good to help.”

United Way staff members and volunteers witnessed the overwhelming support from the community. As the event unfolded, Aberdeen Manor’s large event hall was near its max capacity. Shannon Buck, workplace campaign manager for United Way, elaborated on the importance of events like this for United Way.

“It helps us to be able to give back to the community in a lot of different ways and to be able to assist those struggling across our region,“ Buck said. “It’s really heartwarming to see everybody come together for this cause, and it makes me excited about what we are able to do at United Way for everybody in the community.”

Lourdes Swift, a graduate from United Way’s Level Up Program, spoke to the crowd about her experiences in the program and the empowerment of being involved with United Way’s Women United group.

“I’ve always wanted to help people, and I came upon a group of women who are already doing it,” Swift said. “Not only can I learn from them, but I can help them. They go above and beyond, and it’s truly amazing.”

For more information on how you can support United Way Northwest Indiana and be part of Women United, visit unitedwaynwi.org.