South Suburban College (SSC) dedicated Frank M. Zuccarelli Park on Wednesday to honor its former board chairman. The park is located on the northside of SSC’s campus, and sports a renovated gazebo and picnic benches donated by the Village of South Holland among other features. Various members of SSC’s leadership spoke at the ceremony.
“He was the heartbeat that kept the institution running,” said South Suburban College President Dr. Lynette Stokes. “He was not only the chairman of the board, but he was the fabric of the institution. He was a student trustee and he was a board member. Then he became chairman of the board. He became an advocate not only as a student for a student, but for all students.”
Zuccarelli enrolled as a student at SSC after serving in the U.S. Air Force as a medic. He established scholarships and funds to help students and the university.
“His aspirations were to be a doctor when he was younger,’” said Zuccarelli’s sister Candace “Candy” Paun. “He decided to turn to politics and I thought, ‘wow, that's kind of a big difference.’ He wanted to be a doctor to help people. He said ‘you don’t understand Candy, I can help so many more people in politics.’ He probably helped more people than doctors did.”
Zuccarelli had an incredible love for people, and he loved to help them.
“He devoted his life to helping people of all segments of the community whether they be black, white, or middle class,” said Terry R. Wells, chairman of the board of SSC. “He had a heart for people working with a handicap, and he just had that passion.”
For Wells, Zuccarelli is still helping him and his university since his passing.
“I am so proud to be the chairman of the board following in his footsteps,” said Wells. “Zuccarelli can never be replaced and I wouldn't dare try to. These 18 months that I've been the chairman have gone very easy because Frank had laid out the foundation. The idea of the Allied Health building was something that Frank worked on for many years. Now, I step in when we're in a position of building this beautiful facility.”
SSC was awarded a $51 million grant from the State of Illinois to build the Allied Health & Nursing Center with the help of Zuccarelli.
“One of the greatest things was that he also happened to be the supervisor of Thornton Township,” said Stokes. “Which means he had the governor and other elected officials in this district on speed dial. When we needed resources for our students, he could pick up the phone and advocate. He became an advocate for the resources. That is why we have the building. He was instrumental and key in getting us the $52 million Allied Health center that's coming. It was because of his doggedness and making sure that South Suburban College remained top of the mind at the lead within with the legislators in Springfield.”
The ceremony and speakers honored Zuccarelli’s commitment and dedication to SSC. It is a dedication that made the park dedication seem fit.
“We are here for a dedication because of one man’s dedication,” said Anthony DeFilippo, SSC board of trustees member.
The park is a monument to Zuccarelli’s dedication to SSC and the Southlake region.
“This park is a monument to his dedication,” said Wells. “I can't wait to tell my granddaughter about all those things that Frank did and the impact they had on the Southlake region.”
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