Home»Business»Development»“From My Desk to Yours” from Terry Hufford

“From My Desk to Yours” from Terry Hufford

There is no better month than November to spend my entire message on thanking the Chamber Membership for all they do. The Chamber has had a successful 2010 with all of their events because of your generosity, involvement, and commitment to this organization.

Thanksgiving is a short period of time and being thankful should never stop. This Chamber is only as good as its members, and because of that quality of people, we continue to be a positive presence to our community and a source of support to our members.

A very special thank you to the over 100 members who have already renewed their membership for 2011.

Thank you to all of you who continue to support all of our events in so many different ways. A special thank you to all our committee chair along with the volunteers that make up all of our committees. It is very rewarding to see so many members that have been on committees since my arrival to the Chamber, and also so many new faces now representing the Chamber as members of our committees.

The goal of our Chamber will always be to provide quality opportunities for our membership to network along with providing our members the means to showcase their business to our community and its citizens.

I wish all of you a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Remember to enjoy today, “it is the one that has been given to you”.