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#1StudentNWI: Boone Grove High School’s Choir is singing goodbye

#1StudentNWI: Boone Grove High School’s Choir is singing goodbye

What’s recently happened?

Boone Grove High School held its last choir concert of the year on Tuesday, May 14, in the small gymnasium.

This emotional event marked the last choir concert for 12 seniors who will be graduating in May. 

“Choir has been one of my favorite parts of high school, not only because it allowed me to enjoy my passion for music but also because of the memories I made along the way,” said Lea Nikolov, a senior in choir. 

The concert featured Boone’s middle school choir, a special song performed by 11 seniors, and concluded with the entire high school choir. Both the middle and high school choirs are directed by Athena Welbourne, making for an impressive collaboration. 

It was a packed house filled with family, friends, and supporters, including the underclassmen who were in the audience during the seniors’ performance.

“A lot of my best friends are graduating, so watching them sing their senior song made me tear up,” said Ella Wilson, a sophomore in choir. 

At the end of each school’s set, Welbourne gave out awards for achievements like Most Improved and Special Recognition. 

“I’ve always admired those who got awards, so it was really special to finally experience it,” said Sophomore Elyse Bowman, who received Special Recognition. 

Overall, Boone’s last choir concert was a great success, leaving behind a lasting legacy as the seniors take their leave. 

What’s coming up?

The end of the school year is always a stressful but exciting time, especially for seniors. Amidst all the tests and finals, seniors look forward to graduation.

The last day of school is May 30, with graduation scheduled for the day after, May 31.

Preparations for graduation are already in motion. Students and teachers are getting ready for their roles in the event. Boone’s valedictorian, salutatorian, and two students tied for third in their class will be speaking at the ceremony.

“Knowing that I am about to graduate feels surreal. It is truly a celebratory time because I’m able to proudly look back on my journey, hard work, and the relationships I’ve made,” said Nikolov.

The senior class has nominated Government and History Teacher Will Fortenberry as the teacher speaker. 

It’s sure to be a wonderful experience for the graduating class. 

Staff spotlight:

Jori Swan-Caratini has been a dedicated teacher at Boone for 24 years, teaching English 12 Honors, English 11 Honors, English 10, Film Lit, and Creative Writing.

Swan-Caratini grew up in Michigan City, and she graduated from Ball State University double majoring in English and secondary education while minoring in Spanish. Later on, she attended Purdue University Northwest for her master’s in English.

“I never remember wanting to do or be anything else besides a teacher,” said Swan-Caratini.

She genuinely loves her job and building mutual connections with her students. 

“I enjoy fostering relationships and knowing that they learn things from me and appreciate me in the same way I learn and appreciate them,” said Swan-Caratini. 

Despite some challenges, including the public perception of teachers, Swan-Caratini has remained steadfast in her own style of teaching.

“For some reason, being a teacher can mean that everyone is allowed to have a say about your job and what they think you should do. I had to learn to not listen to others outside the profession and trust myself,” said Swan-Caratini. 

Swan-Caratini involves herself in other school activities, including coaching the English Academic Team, coaching cross country, and serving as a class sponsor. 

Outside of school, Swan-Caratini has her own interests.

“I love reading and doing outdoor activities like going to the beach, hiking, kayaking, stand-up paddleboarding, camping, and cycling,” said Swan-Caratini.

She values being with her family. At home, she has her husband, Mark, and dog, Charley. Her son works at Walt Disney World, and her daughter is in college. 

What she’s looking forward to most in the future is traveling. Visiting other countries is something she can’t wait to do. 

“I have been to 12, but I want to go to as many as possible and explore new things,” said Swan-Caratini. 

Student spotlight:

Senior Elaina Schreiner has been a student at Boone for only three years, but she has made an impact. 

She moved to Boone her sophomore year, and it was an adjustment.

“I tended to be more shy, so it was a little scary not knowing anyone. Once I started to join clubs and meet amazing new friends is when I started to get comfortable,” said Schreiner.

During her time at Boone, she has participated in Key Club, Art Club, Games Club, varsity basketball, Natural Helpers, and the Social Studies Academic Team. Additionally, she’s kept up academically, making it into the Academic Hall of Fame. 

Her most recent accomplishment was winning the Joe Starkey Memorial Scholarship. Awarded to a student who shows an abundance of kindness, love, and compassion, it was an honor to be chosen. 

Her favorite extracurricular is Key Club, in which she serves as vice president. 

“I love volunteering for my community, helping people in need, and meeting new people. I’ve grown to be a confident and well-rounded individual through Key Club,” said Schreiner.

Balancing a busy schedule, Schreiner found her biggest obstacle to be chemistry class her senior year. Being both an honors and a college-level course, it was tricky to maintain an A.

“It was difficult, but once I asked questions and got used to the teaching style, it wasn’t so bad,” said Schreiner.

Outside of school, Schreiner loves to paint, bake, read, bike, and hang out with friends. 

“I plan to go to Purdue University West Lafayette to be an environmental and ecological engineer,” said Schreiner. 

As for this final month of high school, she hopes to enjoy the rest of her time.

“I’ve loved Boone all three years I’ve been here,” said Schreiner.