Dear Community Supporter,
Our mission is to purchase 4-H livestock to provide quality protein in LaPorte County communities.
In 2023, Operation Feed LaPorte County Co. distributed over 5,000 pounds of meat to 29 LaPorte County food pantries and other agencies. The meat came from animals shown by LaPorte County 4-H’ers who then auctioned their animals off during the LaPorte County Fair.
In addition to the meat, 6,260 pounds of nonperishable food was dispersed that was collected during the
week of the LaPorte County Fair.
While we have made outstanding progress over the years, Operation Feed LaPorte County still has work
to do. We need your support for the 2024 LaPorte County Fair livestock auction.
Did you know the average steer costs around $4,000 to purchase and process? Processing fees paid by
Operation Feed LaPorte County in 2023 was over $15,000 and the meat was donated to 29 agencies.
Would you be willing to donate to help us achieve our mission of increasing the amount of meat donated
to even more agencies?
Donations will be used for purchasing animals and the processing of them. For donations of $500 or
more, Operation Feed LaPorte County will bid on and purchase an animal for you at the LaPorte County
Fair livestock auction under your individual name or business.
If you would like to donate, please complete the enclosed donation form and mail it along with your
check to our address listed on the form.
Visit our Facebook page, Operation Feed LaPorte County, for additional information or reach out to
Catherine Mrozinski, Operation Feed LaPorte County President.
We appreciate your donation, which will be used to give back to our LaPorte County community!
Operation Feed LaPorte County Co. Board
To make a donation, fill out the donation form below.