What’s recently happened?
Hammond Academy of Science and Technology (HAST) recently had its annual winter concert performance on December 5.

“I feel like it went really well. I performed in it and I think us as a whole class really did amazing. I actually think we had the best performance in eight years so that was a really nice thing to hear. I would love to do it again,” said Adrian Martinez, a senior at HAST.
Therese Hartz, the concert leader, has taught various groups how to play different Christmas songs since late August. Participants include the ukulele and piano class, middle and high school choir, and The Dyetones. The Dyetones are a group formed by HAST seniors that perform in any performances and are always an audience favorite.
“The concert was really nice, I was in it last year and every year it grows better. I loved when the ukulele class played ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love With You’ by Elvis, they were really good. Overall, it was a really fun time,” said Mia Rucoba, senior at HAST.
The Winter Concert ended in a full success with everyone going home with their families in a holiday mood.
What’s coming up?
Showing holiday spirit comes in many different forms with various schools. With HAST, it comes in performances to get in the holiday spirit; CoffeeShop.

“I’m pretty excited, I think CoffeeShop is fun and is a good way to bring the school together. As a cheerleader on the team, every year we do a performance. All the work that goes into making sure you learn the routines and practicing is all worth it once you get up there and it all comes together,” said Jazlena Christensea, junior at HAST.
CoffeeShop takes place annually at HAST on the last day of school before break. Students get to watch several different students perform and show their talents.
“It’s always interesting to watch the performances people do. I know I've definitely been surprised at what several students can do that I didn't even know they were capable of. It’s a good and entertaining way to end the semester,” said Lynette Montes, a junior at HAST.
Auditions for a spot to perform at CoffeeShop began in late October and came to an end mid November. Past acts have included singing, dance, poetry, animation, and comedy.
Staff spotlight:

Douglas Kman has been a staff member at HAST since early 2013 and is now finishing up his 12th full year at the school.
“I knew that I wanted a career in public service and I always had an interest in education and math. I was fortunate to have some very inspiring teachers throughout primary and secondary school. After deciding that I didn't like my initial major in college, I switched to math and decided I wanted to teach,” said Kman.
Teaching at HAST is Kman’s first real teaching job, previously being a one-on-one paraprofessional at Easter Seals of Chicago.
“I teach high school engineering classes: Introduction to Engineering Design, Principles of Engineering, and Digital Electronics. Principles of Engineering is my favorite to teach. The class is like an applied physics class and we cover a wide array of topics so it never gets stale,” said Kman.
During his free time, Kman enjoys watching various sports teams and playing video games. When on an extended break from work, Kman enjoys traveling to new places and learning about its history and culture.
Student spotlight:
Sergio Guzman has been a student at HAST since he began middle school. Now, seven years later, he is at the end of his first semester of his senior year.

“Now that I’m in my senior year, I feel that there’s a lot of expectations and pressure. To deal with it, I’m just trying to keep up with all my work, not fall behind, and still have fun,” said Guzman.
Since the beginning of the school year, Guzman has been participating in all senior events while still keeping track of his personal life.
“I’ve been boxing for almost two years now. I got into it because I was just bored and I wanted something to do outside of school, and I always liked the sport so I decided to try it and I ended up really liking the sport,” said Guzman.
After high school, Guzman plans on going to college and studying computer science.
“The way I got into computer science isn’t like others. I stumbled into a Michael Reeves video. He was programming robots and it really interested me so I knew it was something I wanted to study and be able to do myself,” said Guzman.
In his free time, Guzman enjoys drawing, playing video games, watching movies/shows, and watching soccer. He also enjoys listening to various streaming artists.