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Portage Life in the Spotlight – A Roundup

A few months ago, we started a series called, A Portage Life in the Spotlight, highlighting some of the people around our community who go the extra mile to make Portage a better place to live. Since then, we've told 23 stories featuring these folks, and we're just getting started.

If you know of someone who is going above and beyond, someone who is truely doing great work in the community, in a school, in a church, on a team, or in an organization, send us an email at share@portagelife.com and we'll add them to our continually growing list of people to highlight in our community.

Check out the features we currently have done below!

Michael DePasquale

Collin Czilli

Brandon Vickrey

Troy Williams

Thomas Fieffer

Terry Hufford

Rachel Santos

Marko Pekovic

Tori Bliss

Michael Candiano

Andy Maletta

Grant Monahan

Ric Frataccia

Diane Highlands

Mike Martinez

Kirsten DeMass

Michelle Stewart

Melissa Deavers-Lowie

James Brasseur

Mr. Robert Parker

Tim Kunstek

Michael Berta

Diana Rivera