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A Portage Life in the Spotlight: Kyle Johnson

This week’s A Portage Life in the Spotlight is a little younger than past subjects but is just as important to our community. Kyle Johnson, a 6th grader at Fegely Middle School, was recently awarded the prestigious honor of being in the top one percent of Pop Warner athletes in terms of academic success nationwide.

Kyle is 12 years old and lives with his parents, Keith and Nadine Johnson, and his sister, Brittany. From an early start, Kyle’s parents were aware that he would be involved in athletics.

“I have been involved in sports since I was three years old,” Johnson said.

Johnson has participated in football, baseball, bowling, basketball and hockey, all of which he participates in simultaneously. He has also been very active in his school and community, competing in the Porter County Math Competition and the annual Relay for Life event held at Willowcreek Middle School. In the little free time he has, Kyle enjoys hunting and fishing with his dad and going paintballing with his friends. With all of his school and athletic commitments, you may ask, how does he do it all? Kyle lives by a single line.

I’like to say, that failure is not an option” Johnson added.

With all of the sports he participated in, Johnson said that football is his favorite to participate in.

“It's so hard to choose just one, but I have to say that football is probably my favorite with hockey and baseball right behind it,” Johnson said “I have been a quarter-back for the past 4 years with Pop Warner. I love the challenge of remembering and executing plays while being able to play with my friends.”

Recently Johnson was awarded the honor of Top Scholar at the regional level and was able to attend the Regional Banquet in Schaumburg, Illinois every year. Not only did he receive the regional honor, but Kyle also received national recognition for making it into the top one percent of all participants for the second year in a row.

“It was amazing to be awarded Top Scholar at the Regional Level and I was able to attend the Regional Banquet which is held in Schaumburg, IL every year.” Johnson added, “It was even more surprising that I have made it in the top one percent of all participants in Nationals - two years in a row. I attended Nationals last year which was held in Chicago, IL but this year it is in Disney and I am unable to attend.”

Johnson also has some big plans for his future in terms of education and athletic career.

“I would like to go to college first, maybe Notre Dame, and play college ball,” he said. “Then I'd love to go pro and play in the NFL. But if I don't make it into the NFL, then I plan to enlist in the Army, play football, and become a Sniper.”

Finally Johnson had some words to say about his family and all of the coaches he has had over his many years in many different sports.

“I look up to my parents, teachers and all my coaches for making me the best person I can be and helping me learn the importance of keeping up
my grades and staying involved.” He concluded, “I also look up to Walter Payton since he has done so much in his football career and his willingness to help others. Losing him was a devastation.”

For his dedication to his athletics and academics, while still managing to find time for his friends and family, Kyle Johnson is undoubtedly A Portage Life in the Spotlight.

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