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TJ Students Succeed in Super Bowl Competition

TJMS-English-Team-2012Two Academic Super Bowl teams from Thomas Jefferson Middle School achieved State Championship status at last Saturday's Area Meet at LaPorte High School. The Interdisciplinary team and the English team each bested all other teams in the state to earn the State Champion medals.

The Indiana Academic Super Bowl is a team competition centered around a selected theme. During this year's Academic Super Bowl, squads of 3 - 5 students studied English, social studies, science and mathematical material related to the Colonial and Revolutionary period in American history. Topics included Revolutionary War battles and leaders, Colonial poetry and the writings of Paine, Franklin, de Crevecoeur, and Cokie Roberts; forestry, coal mining, and the production of indigo and tobacco, and mathematical operations of the period. The actual competition features Teams answering 25 multiple choice questions covering their discipline, and scores from 18 sites around the state were compared to determine the state winners. 3,859 students competed on April 28 in the Super Bowl contest.

TJMS-ID-Team-20124 out of 5 of TJ's disciplines garnered blue ribbons at Saturday's event. The 5th team placed second at that meet. State placings were announced on Monday. Based on scores from Saturday's meet, the following TJ teams were honored as Top Ten teams:

Social Studies 9th place
Math 4th place
English State Champion
Interdisciplinary State Champion

Thomas Jefferson Middle School is extremely proud of its Super Bowl participants!

English team

  • Front - Colin Thompson
  • Back - Timothy Henderson, Aidan Armstrong, Allison Skadberg
  • Coach: Jane Strayer

Interdisciplinary team

  • Front - Melissa Piper, Megan Rahn
  • Back - Isaiah Smith, Nathan Moore, Timothy Henderson
  • Coaches: Karl Keller, Linda Kemper, Randy Kerns, Jane Strayer