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Rotary Gets Inside Look at New Regional Hospital

On Wednesday, July 25th, the Portage Rotary club, and some friends, went on a tour instead of having their regular Wednesday meeting. And what a great tour of the new Porter Regional Hotel it was…I mean Porter Regional Hospital. At times you started to really wonder where you were. Can this really be a hospital?

The pictures show exactly what I mean from the elegant stairway to the other architectural aspects of the building. There are so many innovative features that I can’t remember but a few of them. Such as the large and I do mean large sized patient rooms all with a view varying from over-looking the 7 acre pond (stocked no less) to the distant Chicago skyline on a clear day. Other great features are the hallways and passages for the doctors and staff to get themselves, and the patients, from point A to point B quickly and basically behind the scenes.

A great thank you has to go to the President and CEO, and our tour leader, Jonathan Nalli, and also to one of our own: Rotary club secretary Tina Stiener. Not only did Tina coordinate our tour but she also works at the hospital. Thank you both for this privilege and honor to see this wonderful, and greatly needed, medical addition to our area. Great job by everyone involved with this project. You should be proud of your work.