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A La Porte County Life in the Spotlight: Mary Rini

Mari-Rini-2Mary Rini has been working for the Swanson Center since 2006 and could not be any happier about her position as the Director of Outpatient Services for La Porte County. This community center helps children, teens and adults cope with the daily stresses of everyday life in a positive way. Mostly they provide help for short-term needs although long-term needs are welcomed as well.

“Our mission is to provide comprehensive services in a high quality way. We help our patients be the best they can be no matter their history.”

Rini shared that the Swanson Center is a comprehensive, community health center with cognitive emphasis. A continuum of care is contracted by the state of Indiana and also by the division of mental health providing the services a patient needs. In some cases, living environments are provided in Michigan City for those with long term care needs. This is very hard to find in other counseling centered institutions founded by the state.

“We make an effort to help people try to understand how they take care of themselves concerning their health habits. If someone isn’t taking care of themselves, then oftentimes their medical problems will become worse. Active lifestyles are important to our mental, emotional and social health. By informing others of this fact, I have noticed a positive change in their attitudes and actions.”

Those employed by the Swanson Center in Michigan City assist those who are unable to maintain the highest quality of life due to somewhat debilitating situations. Workers also help patients develop daily living skills to further their care. In La Porte and Michigan City’s Swanson Centers, outpatient services are offered as well.

“My favorite part of my job is the program development. Looking at the program and figuring out what else we can do for the community. What’s needed, how we can make this work and how we can tweak the programs we provide to suit more needs.”Mari-Rini-1

By using a cognitive behavior therapy, Rini tries to understand what the individual she is seeing needs and wants within their meeting sessions. There are a wide variety of therapies for short and long-term care which is crafted specifically for each patient. For long-term needs, most start off with therapy. Then, they train their skills and learn how to manage their illness to function properly.

“A future plan of mine is to continue to look at the overall health of the agency and how the different programs work together. I plan to make sure that everyone is talking to each other and I will also promote an improved communication role within the agency to address the needs of the clients.”

Rini will never turn down anyone who is in need of assistance. The Swanson Center doors are always open and their phone lines are always clear for anyone to use their services.