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7 Ways to Tell if You are FAMOUS

Santa-2012Hope you enjoyed my post on being famous earlier this week. Can you BELIEVE nobody knows I'm famous? At least I think I am marvelous once in awhile. And YOU are marvelous too....now look these over and tell me, are you famous?

1) You are ready for your close up. You almost always leave the house prepared to be photographed. You never know when a photo op will happen and that pesky paparazzi could be anywhere. Like Santa's lap.

2) Everyone is just as excited to hear your story about you as you are to tell it. Even if it is boring and stupid and only about how you decided which shirt to wear. Oh...wait....uhhh...

3) You smile like a movie star. Beam like Julia Roberts just in case somebody thinks you are maybe famous and just hanging out at Target with two little kids as your public shield.

4) You know how to drink too much and trash a room, famous style. Except the drink is 3/4 of a beer you manage to drink before falling asleep on the couch at 8:30pm. 2012-11-27-18And the trashed room is just because you were too tired to pick up all the debris today. And yesterday.

5) You pamper yourself. You are spoiled but instead of an entire spa day with candles and a massage during your pedicure, you at least light a candle and lock the door for your three minute poop shower.

6) You dine well. And during your dinner people chant your name while you wish you could eat in peace. Unfortunately your spouse won't make the children eat in another room, so you chew coldish food to the roar of MAMA! MAMA! MAMA!

7) You know how to enter a room. Confidently, loving yourself, forgiving yourself, and telling yourself everyone makes an entrance wearing black yoga pants(the new sweats, admit it) marked with orange Cheezit cracker crumbs and toting a wailing small person under your arm. Just rock a gorgeous scarf and a red lipsticked smile and you are MONEY, Baby!


Share this with somebody famous, you'll make their day & mine!

Heather Curlee Novak is a Tragically UN Hip Mama, Inspiring Speaker, Distracted Writer, Radio Personality and Glacially Fast Runner. I live each day as if it were my last and do my best to love out loud! I am very happily married to my personal Prince Charming John. (Thank you, God!) We are in the midst of raising two darling and maddening Cupcake Girls. Our pack also includes a huge crazy dog named Steve and a wide variety of family and friends. I find people fascinating and get a real kick from encouraging them personally and professionally. Read more from Heather at Live Your Love Out Loud!