I had the privilege of first meeting Megan Murrell when I accepted the position as her manager at Vale Park Animal Hospital four years ago. Megan was a Veterinary Assistant; however, just shortly after working with Megan, I quickly knew she needed to be promoted to a supervisory position. I saw strengths in her that held a standard for many, including myself, to strive toward.
Megan devotes her seemingly endless energy to many charitable causes. She is the leader of such events as: Relay for Life, Bark for Life, The Spring Fling, and she has played a large part of helping events be hugely successful as The Canine Cop Crusade, Vale Park's Howl-a-Ween Open House, our silent auction for Valparaiso Police's 5-K run, and recently the Hurricane Sandy Relief Drive. The list goes on and on.
Megan has chaired her shining star event of the Relay for Life every year since joining Vale Park Animal Hospital. She and Lindsay Bourgo of Vale Park organize the pet nail trims every month, bringing in close to $1,000 in two hours! These cumulative totals go toward the Relay for Life, along with selling hand painted Christmas ornaments, offering pet photos (which Megan utilizes her professional photography equipment), etc.
My first year at the practice, we lost a co-worker and friend to bone cancer and I lost my mother to lung cancer just twelve days later. We have five survivor's of cancer at our practice, and all of us have been touched by the disease in one way or another. Each year since losing our friend, Megan decorates a luminary in her honor. The luminaries burn around the walking track at the Relay event. It is an awe inspiring sight. Megan leads the team who camp out the entire night of the walk, keeping at least one walker continuing the vigilance. Megan's team raised over $10,000 last year alone; her team raised the largest sum in all of the county!
Aside from the endless giving of hope, her time on these good deeds is done with a smile and a cheer. Megan provides inspiration to everyone! She has a strength and presence about her that inspires those around her to rally and get involved. She juggles the demands and needs of five doctors and over ten staff she is directly responsible to manage. She helps to ensure an even flow for client and patient care. Just like in her work day, at events she is the first to arrive and the last to leave.
Megan also participates in running 5Ks several times per year for various charitable organizations. She is our team captain for the United Way's Day of Caring - we supported Opportunity Enterprises this past year and her team stained an entire pavilion and several outside sets of furniture.
When a staff member is ill or has experienced a tragedy or even when having a birthday, she makes certain they are supported or celebrated. I wish to add that her selflessness of giving to others truly comes from her spirit.
Megan truly is a Valpo Life in the Spotlight!