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Happy Retirement

Happy-RetirementWritten by Jane Scupham, principal

Last month within a the span of 2 weeks I had the unexpected experience of hearing from not one, not two, not three, but four of the school’s long term employees that they were retiring. I must say that I cried when each employee came and told me their news. It was bittersweet news because all four are dear friends and wonderful people who believe in the mission of the school and every day they live their faith.

The first to announce her retirement was Mrs. Jan Halaschak. Jan has been a teacher in the diocese since 1985. She has been a dedicated teacher who has shared her love of the Catholic faith and has prepared countless children to receive their First Holy Communion. I found in Jan’s file one of her early teacher evaluations with comments from her then principal, Sr. Joan Elizabeth. What Sr. Joan Elizabeth wrote in 1988 still holds true today, “This teacher’s quiet and caring manner, as well as her organization, make this classroom an extremely pleasant place. She is a very good teacher.” I can only echo Sister’s words and say that Jan is an exceptional teacher whose steady, loving presence is a blessing to the school. Thank you, Jan, for everything you have done for everyone associated with SPCS.

The second person to come into my office to announce her retirement was Mrs. Lynn Mac- Lean. Lynn has been a teacher in the diocese for 11 years and 15 years in Illinois. Like Jan Halaschak, Lynn has shared her faith with abundant joy with all in the school. She has prepared children to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation with a tenderness and understanding that will be missed. In Lynn’s file I found her introductory letter written to the parents of the first class of 2nd grade students she taught at SPCS. Her words then still ring true today: “I have always taught in the Catholic schools because I believe it is my mission, my vocation, to bring Jesus into the lives of His children. I truly cherish the value of a Christian education… It is a blessing to be here at Saint Paul.” Thank you, Lynn, for fulfilling your vocation so beautifully here at SPCS.

Number 3 and 4 retirement announcements came from the “first family” of SPCS—the Rickmans. Dang and Jim told me together that it was time for them to retire. I find this dual retirement truly bittersweet since Jim was one of the first people I met when I first came to SPCS to teach back in 1987. Jim and Dang have opened their hearts to so many people and have touched the lives of everyone here—teachers, aides, children, and parents. Dang’s kitchen moms are as loyal as any group you will ever meet and Jim has the respect of every workman, service person, supplier, and dad who has any contact with him and SPCS. Thank you, Dang and Jim, for teaching all of us the beauty in the happy marriage and what it truly means to serve God with a joyful heart.

Please join us in celebrating the retirement of Mrs. Jan Halaschak and Mrs. Lynn MacLean on Thursday, June 6th in the Social Hall from noon until 3:00. A separate retirement party will be held for the Rickmans in August.