Home»Entertainment»Gatherings»HannaFest 2013 Taking Place August 9 and 10

HannaFest 2013 Taking Place August 9 and 10

HannaFest-Lions-FloatHannaFest is coming Aug. 9 and 10. HannaFest celebrates the culture and history of the Hanna community. Sponsored by the Hanna Lions Club. Here is a detailed event listing:

Friday, Aug. 9

All events are downtown under the Big Top Tent
6 pm Community Bingo including a Cookie Walk, Food and Drink, games, Beer Garden
Rib dinners at Rumors, Country Griller, Little League Hot dogs and more
Fire Dept. pork chops and corn

Saturday, Aug. 10

8 am to 4 pm Arts, crafts, and garage sales in the park and all around town. Food, drink, and vendors in the park. Kids’ games.
8:30 am Kids’ foot races
Vision screening at the Library
South County Gleaners blood pressure and sugar testing in the park
Hanna United Methodist Church Cooling tent and KidsZone activities
Live Entertainment in the Park
9:15 am to 10 am Matt Kalita Magic Show
11:30 am to 1:00 pm NightShift Band
10 am until gone Hanna Lions Famous BBQ Chicken
11 am Parade begins You’ve never seen a parade like this.
10 am to 2 pm Lunch & Bake Sale at Methodist Church
1 pm Northern Indiana Pullers Garden tractor pulling contest downtown
All day Beer Garden downtown
9 pm to 1 am Hanna Twp. Volunteer Fire Dept. Annual Summer Heat Street Dance featuring: Pfreakshow Food and Drink. Must be 21. Cover charge.

For more information contact Jim Jessup at 219-797-4407.