The final show of the Towle Theater’s 2013 10th Anniversary is the dark comedy Pursued by Happiness by Chicago Playwright, Keith Huff. Pursued by Happiness tells the story of an unexpected meeting between two 40-something biochemists played by Towle newcomers Danny Heeter (Chicago) and Helen Young (Chicago). Their meeting touches off a whirlwind romance. But when it's time to meet the parents, a series of shocking revelations test the new couple's relationship in this quirky comedy from the author of The Bird and Mr. Banks and A Steady Rain. The show raises the question; are we pursuing happiness or is happiness, biologically speaking, pursuing us?
Also making their Towle debut are Deb Brunette-Cairns (Park Forest) and James Kenjorski (Chicago). Deb and James play both sets of parents in this production.
Pursued by Happiness is directed by Sherry Sweeney. Towle patrons may remember Sherry onstage in productions such as No Way to Treat A Lady, Leaving Iowa and Jewtopia. This marks Sherry’s directing debut at the Towle but she is most known for her production of Yankee Tavern at Footlight Players which won Best Show & Best Director at the Indiana Community Theatre League’s 2012 State Competition.
Every Friday performance is Educator Appreciation Night with buy-one-get-one free tickets to all educators with a school ID. All performances except Sunday matinees will have limited student RUSH (buy-one-get-one free tickets) for students who show a current student ID one hour before the show. Thursday, September 19th will be Industry Night. Anyone who works in theater and brings a headshot, resume or playbill with their name in it will get a buy-one-get-one free ticket. Reservations required for all specials except student RUSH. Pursued by Happiness is rated PG-13. Children under six are not permitted in the theater.
Pursued by Happiness performance dates are September 6-8, 13-15, 19-22. Thursdays-Saturdays at 8pm, Sundays at 2pm. Tickets are only $17. All tickets must be paid for in advance and are non-refundable. Please arrive no later than 15 minutes prior to curtain. There will be no late seating.
The Towle Theater is located in historic downtown Hammond at 5205 Hohman Avenue. Free, well-lit, secured parking is available off of Fayette Street only steps away from our back entrance or in the parking lot directly across the street from the theater on Hohman Avenue. For more information on purchasing tickets, visit or call the box office at 219-937-8780.