Home»Business»Markets and Investing»VNA of Porter County to Offer “It’s Your Money” Workshop

VNA of Porter County to Offer “It’s Your Money” Workshop

VNA-BLUEThe VNA Forever Society of the Visiting Nurse Association of Porter County will present an “It’s Your Money” workshop on Wednesday, October 30, from 9 am to 11 am at the Visiting Nurse Association building, 2401 Valley Drive in Valparaiso.

Unfortunately, most people do not have a current estate plan and are not aware of current tools available through the Internal Revenue Service to eliminate or minimize various taxes. This workshop will help you learn how you might put together your estate plan to carry forth your objectives to care for loved ones and distribute financial assets.

There are many issues that should be considered as an individual or family makes estate planning decisions. This workshop will help guide you through the process, in simple terms, and is designed to help a family make the right decisions based on what a family would like to happen, with what they have and where they are in their life.

This workshop promotes giving in a responsible way and does not provide legal or financial advice.

The “It’s Your Money” workshop is offered free of charge. Please register by calling 219-531-8049 by Monday, October 28th. Seating is limited. Refreshments will be provided by the VNA Forever Society.