Buy your sweetie or your sweet tooth some Captain Ed's Candy on February 14th and support our WORTHY Women Building Fund! From 9 am to 5 pm at La Porte Savings Bank (710 Indiana Ave), bags of candy are only $5 a bag!
Purchase 4 bages of candy and receive a free "I Am Worthy" t-shirt, while supplies last. Bring in your change jar for a free t-shirt!
The heaviest change jar and the most money in a change jar will each win 2 passes to our 6th Bowl for WORTHY Women on April 12th at Casey's Lanes.
Want sweets for your sweet after Valentine's? Stop by the La Porte County Family YMCA on February 15th, from 8 am to 1 pm, where we will be selling more of Captain Ed's Candy Cove candy, including chocolate covered peanuts, raisins, and gummies!
Thank you for your support! We are making progress!