Home»Other»ValpoNEXT Summit Set for Wednesday, May 28

ValpoNEXT Summit Set for Wednesday, May 28

2014-Valpo-Next-SummitPlease join me for the ValpoNEXT Community Summit this coming Wednesday, May 28, at the Harre Union on the Valparaiso University campus, from 6-8 p.m. The ValpoNEXT community planning effort has been going on for the past several months, and maybe you have participated along with many of our fellow citizens. Together we have collected hundreds and hundreds of ideas about what kind of community Valpo should become in the years ahead. Tomorrow’s Summit is the culmination of everything that has been done up until this point. Participants will vote on the big ideas we have collected, using clickers for immediate results. What we decide will help to shape city priorities for years to come. I hope you will join me in planning for our future! Please register below — it’s easy.

Over 200 people have already registered and we can't wait to see everyone! Will you be there?

Don't miss out on this fun and productive evening for Valpo's future!

For more details about what to expect at the Summit click HERE
It's not too late to save your seat or invite a friend!