Come dream with us this Sunday! We are looking for creative ways to expand our facility so that we can continue spreading the Word throughout NWI and the world. And we want to hear from you! We have scheduled two forums on Sunday at 9:45a and 11:15a so that you can attend any worship service and still come to one of our Town Hall Gatherings.
While we are reaching more people with the Good News in Valpo, we are also sending people out to impact the rest of the world. We have two teams heading out this July, one to Kenya and another to Guatemala. If you want to give to help them go you can do so here.
I will be continuing our mini-series on work this Sunday, and I am "working" hard this week to help increase your joy on the job.
What's new at Calvary...
Town Hall Meeting
Have you noticed it getting really cozy around here? We have, too! So we have begun planning to make room for more in our facilities. We will hold a “Town Hall” informational meeting this Sunday, June 1, to share with you our plans for church growth. Come dream with us and hear from our elder chair, Jon Costas, at 9:45a or 11:15a in the gym.
Father's Day
Bring your blanket or chairs and join us on Sunday, June 15 at the downtown Central Park Plaza Amphitheater for a combined outdoor worship service at 11a to celebrate Dad's and Family! After the service, stick around the park, have a picnic (food vendors will be on site), toss a frisbee, walk around our 'Cruise In' of cars and enjoy spending time with your family and friends.
Discover Israel
Join our Senior Pastor Lionel Young and his wife Stacy for the trip of a lifetime to the land of the Bible. Calvary's first ever 'Discover Israel' study tour will be February 1-12, 2015. CLICK HERE for further details on this amazing adventure.
Global Missions
Calvary is excited to be sending out two mission teams in July in partnership with Kids Alive International! Our student ministries will be sending a group to Guatemala to help with construction of a new girls home. This will make room for more girls who have suffered abuse and need to experience the love of Jesus. We are also sending eight married couples to Mitaboni, Kenya, to construct a playground and shower the children with love! Please be praying for both of these teams as they represent Calvary and spread the gospel around the world. If you would like to donate to these ministries, CLICK HERE and write a memo of "2014 Summer Mission Trip" in the note.
Student Ministries
STUDENTS! The semester Grand Finale and Senior Night is this Sunday, 6.1, from 4:30-6:30p! It will be a huge, combined event for Connect and Reliant middle and high school students. We will have time to celebrate our graduating seniors and have an awesome feast! Students will not want to miss it!
Men's Ministries
This Friday, 5.30, join Dave Gring (Calvary Elder and Men's Ministry Leader) for a golf trip to Blackthorn Golf Club in South Bend, Indiana. The group will leave Calvary Church at 9:30a to play 18 holes. CLICK HERE to RSVP.
The Band of Brothers Summer Bonding Tour is back! Thursday, 6.5, Calvary men and their guests are invited to Pastor Jon Nitta's at 7p for an evening of fellowship together.
Women's Ministries
We are excited to announce that MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers will be coming to Calvary this Fall! Pre-registration starts this Sunday through June 8. Stop by our table in the foyer this Sunday to register or click here for more information!
Girlfriends! Join our Summer Book Club! We will be reading 'Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World' by Joanna Weaver and gathering on Saturday, 8.2 for a picnic and discussion! Click here for more information.
Children's Ministries
Vacation Bible School Save the Date! ‘Agency D3 VBS 2014’ will be August 4-6 from 5:45-8:15p with a Family Fun Night on Thursday, 8.7! Volunteer sign-ups will be on 6.22 & 29 and a Volunteer Meeting after services on 7.27. Registration for children k-5th grade will open on 7.20. Stay tuned for more details!