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Calvary Link: A Note from Dr. Knute Larson

Knute-LarsonIt will be delightful to be with you this Sunday, and to speak on why we should do away with head tables.

Or at least sort of!

It is from the head table incident in James 2:1-11, where the wealthier well-dressed get the nice table and the disheveled poor are asked to sit in the corner or on the floor. This is called prejudice, or favoritism, or love based on appearance. I think you will find it interesting, and maybe convicting, if you are like me.

Wear what you wish!

What's new at Calvary...

Discover Israel
Join our Senior Pastor Lionel Young and his wife Stacy for the trip of a lifetime to the land of the Bible, February 1-12, 2015. Contact Stacy Young at syoung@calvaryweb.net or sign-up at www.calvaryweb.net by 8.1 to receive the $100 discount!

Global Missions
If you have a desire to serve the women and girls of Guatemala, you may want to consider joining Stacy Young & Lynette Green for the Women's Guatemala mission trip scheduled for November 1-8, 2014. The purpose of this trip will be sponsoring a retreat for the female staff at the Kids Alive Oasis home and also ministering to the girls who live there. Applications and more information available here.

Children's Ministries
Children ages K-5th grade are invited to share in Vacation Bible School’s awesome week (August 4-6, from 5:45-8:15p) of Bible stories, action-packed songs, memory verses, cool crafts, games and snacks. We will conclude with a Family Fun Night on Thursday, 8.7! Register between services this Sunday! All children (whether they attend Calvary or not) are encouraged to submit their registration by 7.27.

Men's Ministries
Join us for the Band of Brothers Movie Night tomorrow, 7.17 at 6:30p. We will be watching the movie The Legend of Bagger Vance in the Well at Calvary Church. For more details, Click here.

Women's Ministries
Girlfriends! Join our Summer Book Club! We will be reading Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver and gathering on Saturday, 8.2 for a picnic and discussion! Click here for more information.

Student Ministries
Our next Ultimate Game Night is Sunday, 7.27, with Connect Middle School Students meeting from 4:30-6:30p and Reliant High School Students from 6:30-8:30p. We will have dinner, hang time, and a fast-paced rotation that includes messy, hilarious activities that we cannot wait to share with you--be sure to wear clothes that you don't mind getting dirty! Students are encouraged to invite friends and come play with us!

Parents and Students, if you are interested in getting even more connected with our Student Ministries, email megan@calvaryweb.net to sign up for our brand new E-Newsletter!

Miscellanies Blog: James Edition
Miscellanies, the sermon blog, is going daily for the James: A How-To Guide sermon series. Every weekday, you can review a practical principle from James’ challenging letter to the church. The posts are short readings great for a quick lunchtime read or to supplement your daily devotions.