Home»Business»Development»The Crossroads Regional Chamber of Commerce Community Profile & Membership Directory Now Online!

The Crossroads Regional Chamber of Commerce Community Profile & Membership Directory Now Online!

crossroads-chamberThe Crossroads Regional Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce the launch of its new publication website at http://www.villageprofile.com/indiana/crossroads/.

This interactive site features the editorial, pictures and design elements of the Chamber's recently published, full-color community profile and membership directory. Included on the publication website is a link to a free downloadable eBook - an exact replica of the print publication in digital form, complete with links to member and advertiser websites. In addition, users will find links to the Chamber website, the publication's advertiser directory and the Chamber's searchable membership directory, available at www.vpmobile.us, where users search member businesses by name or category, access contact information and easily connect directly to business websites.

The eBook is downloadable to computer desktops and on-the-go via most wireless, web-enabled devices - generating added Chamber, business and community exposure to a worldwide audience, anytime, anywhere.

Village Profile's new cross-platform Web App provides added value to participating publication advertisers with expanded networking opportunities, now accessible via iTunes, as well as via the Internet from any iPhone, Android, Blackberry, or any other web-enabled mobile phone, or tablet.

To access our Web App via the Internet, a user simply types in the following web address and launches it: http://www.villageprofile.com/app/mobile. Navigate to your state and Chamber community App Page and bookmark it, or add it as an icon to your smartphone home screen.

To access the App via iTunes, go to: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/village-profile-app/id859434949?ls=1&mt=8 and download.

To access the App via Google Play, go to: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.villageprofile.villageprofile and download.

Features including the community publication cover graphic; links to the online publication, where you can then link to our Convergence Business Network and Advertisers' Directory; access to the multi-media advertiser directory business listings and Chamber contact information is only one-click away, via direct phone dial-up and email. The Village Profile® Web App provides unmatched benefits to smartphone users and participating publication advertisers, who now have expanded reach and exposure in the mobile marketplace.

For publication information, please call 800-600-0134 x220, e-mail jcn@villageprofilemail.com, or fill out the following no-obligation RFP.

Visit Communities Across America: http://www.villageprofile.com