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Calvary Link: Sovereign Over the Seasons

Calvary-Link-Good-to-be-HomeOur kids (and grandkids) are heading back to school, and some of us are taking our children off to college. Another season slowly fades and another season begins.

When change comes into my life--whether that change is related to work or family or weather--I find great comfort in knowing that God is in control. In fact, the God who never changes sovereignly brings change into our lives for His glory and our good. In the words of the prophet, "He changes times and seasons" (Daniel 2.21).

My hope and prayer for all of us this week is that we will trust and delight in the Unchanging One who is sovereign over the seasons of life. He absolutely loves us! We can absolutely trust Him! And he is walking with us on every interesting twist and turn of the journey.

Be sure to check out all the opportunities (below) to get involved around here. There are a lot of ways to get connected in our growing Calvary family.

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather and delighting in the God who has given us all things to enjoy. I'm looking forward to worshipping with you on Sunday!

What's new at Calvary...

New Life Groups (Small Groups) are starting in September through an event called GroupLink where at a table over lunch you will not only meet your new Life Group leader but people in your group as well. Once you decide as a group about where and when you will meet you are off and running! GroupLink is on Sunday. 9.14 so you can sign-up at the Guest Services desk or online. If you want more information we will be hosting an informal, "What's a Life Group All About?" on 8.24 and 9.7 at 11:15a in room 403.

Discover Israel
Join our Senior Pastor Lionel Young and his wife Stacy for the trip of a lifetime to the land of the Bible, February 1-12, 2015. The $100 discount on this trip has been extended to September 12! Click HERE for all the details.

Women's Ministries
We are excited to announce that MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers www.mops.org) will be coming to Calvary this Fall! Visit our Drive-Thru Registration this Friday, August 22, from 9:30a to 11:30a. Click Here for more information!

We are introducing a new Mentoring Group for Working Moms! Are you a working mom with kids at home? Do you ever ask yourself, "How can I get it all done?” You are not alone! Many working moms wonder if they are balancing their priorities well and how to fulfill their call to work and mother at the same time. Join Karen Devries and Kimberly Wallace on the 1st Thursday of the month from 7p to 8:30p beginning 9.4. Click here to register online, or visit our our table in the foyer this Sunday between services.

Women's Ministries will be offering new Bible Study opportunities this Fall starting on 9.8 and 9.9! Join us on Monday Nights at 6:30p OR Tuesday Mornings at 9:30a for the 8-week study by Cindy Bultema, Red Hot Faith. Cindy will be here live to teach the first class! Or join us for a 14-week Precepts Study: Interpreting Revelation in the Light of Biblical Prophecy. Click on the study titles for more information and to register online, or visit our table in the lobby this Sunday between services.

We are hiring Bible Study Childcare Workers to care for Infants-5 year olds while their moms attend Bible Study on Tuesday Mornings, starting in September. If you are interested in applying, click here for an application and more information.

Men's Ministries
Men's Ministries has planned another fun day for Dad's to bring the kids, and let Mom enjoy the day off! Join us for a day at the Dunes State Park, this Saturday, 8.23. We will depart the Calvary Church parking lot at 9:30a for 4 hours at the State Park beach for fun in the sun, and lunch. For more info CLICK HERE.

Kids ages 3 through 5th grade are invited to attend our AWANA program which begins Wednesday, 9.3, from 5:45p-7:45p! AWANA teaches kids to love God through scripture memorization, teaching, worship, and more. Pre-register at the AWANA tables in the gym after services, starting this Sunday, 8.24!

College Students
College Students & Young Adults come have lunch with us and learn more about how you can get plugged-in here at Calvary. We will be meeting in the Well (back of the church) next Sunday, 8.31 directly after the 3rd service. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Meet your Calvary friends in the gym on Sunday, September 7 for HangTime! Come by after the 1st and 2nd worship services for a snack and a cup of coffee with your church family. This HangTime will feature our adult missions team to Kenya and student missions team to Guatemala. Stop by their tables to ask questions and see photos from their July trips. Both teams will also give a presentation of their time in Kenya and Guatemala during the 2nd worship service (9:45a) in the gym.

Coffee with the Pastors
Calvary guests are invited to Coffee with the Pastors on Sunday, 9.7 from 6:30-8p at Uptown Cafe. Learn about Calvary’s values and vision, and take the opportunity to ask questions of the pastoral staff in a casual environment. We would love to meet you! RSVP HERE.

Are you looking for an extra teaching time on Sunday mornings? Then you will want to come check out our brand new discipleship class called Rooted, beginning Sunday, 9.7 at 9:30a. Rooted is an intentional way to make disciples not just with more knowledge but focusing on the heart as well as living life in a complex world. It combines both teaching with small group interaction and short weekly "projects". Check out the topics here!

Student Ministries
Launch Night for all of Student Ministries is Sunday, 9.7. Middle school (6-8th grade) and high school (9-12th grade) will meet from 6-7:30p. This will be a great time to come to Student Ministries for the first time, to reconnect with friends, and to make new ones! There will be an important parent's meeting on this night as we present some of the ways Student Ministries have developed over the summer months as well as this semester's events.

Parents and Students, if you are interested in getting even more connected with our Student Ministries, email megan@calvaryweb.net to sign-up for our brand new E-Newsletter!