When my wife called from Guatemala last night, she was shedding tears of joy. She is serving alongside 21 women from our church at a home for 10 - 13 year old girls, who have been abused in unthinkable ways. Some of these girls are pregnant, and others have recently given birth. (I know it's unbelievable.) Stacy told me that it is quite an emotional experience watching young girls run in from the playground to nurse their babies and then skip back out to play with the other kids. Grief and hope are a potent combination.
I listened to Stacy's stories with rapt attention, and then I said to her, "We HAVE to keep telling people why their giving is so important!" Yes, our giving glorifies God, but our giving also touches the lives of people! Through our giving people are coming to know Christ in Valparaiso, the gospel is going out to our region, churches are being planted in Africa, and "baby Jeffery" (see picture above) is being held by YOU!
I know I say this a lot. But honestly, I don't think I can say it enough. Every time that you give, someone's life is touched forever. Join my wife and I in giving; let's finish the year strong!
Working to Spread Joy
What's New at Calvary
Sevenglory is excited to announce that their brand new album, Through the Dark, will be released at Calvary Church this Sunday! CDs will be on sale for $6 in the church lobby after worship services on 11.9. Through the Dark features all original songs written by the band to reflect the faith and hope available in Christ through the dark periods of life. Songs are also available for purchase on iTunes.
Student Ministries
Student Ministries is partnering with Cru to pack Boxes of Love in Chicago. Middle school students will head up this Saturday, 11.8, and high school students will go Saturday, 11.22. We will pack boxes with grocery items so that families in need can make a Thanksgiving meal. In the afternoon, we will travel around the city for some fun! For more info and a list of items we're collecting, visit the MS Event and HS Event pages.
In November, Calvary's weekly disciple-building forum will explore the topics and themes coming up in the Love Song sermon series. Join Pastor Jon Nitta each Sunday for a discussion on a solid biblical theology of human sexuality and an extended Q&A. Looking to plant yourself deeper in the faith? Get in on a Rooted discussion in room 403 from 9:30a-11a.
Rock Solid Kids
Attention Calvary Family! Save the Date for our next Family Fun Night on Friday, 11.14, at 6p! Invite your neighbors, family, and friends for an evening of fun and connection! We will have gym games, board games, movies, popcorn, music, and tons of fun! If you would like to serve at this event, please contact our Director of Children's Ministries, Victoria Evans-Peasley.
Men's Basketball
The Men's Church Basketball League begins Tuesday, 11.10. Games are on Monday and Tuesday nights with start times at 6:30p, 7:30p, or 8:30p. The league has 3 skill levels and is open to all men ages 18 and up. To sign-up to play, contact Mike Bryant at mwbryant@gmail.com.