I hope you are blessed with a safe and joy-filled New Year! I look forward to seeing you on the first Sunday of 2015 as we continue our sermon series, Finding Joy in the Journey, during our regular worship times at 8:15a, 9:45a, and 11:15a.
And as you look forward to 2015, think about joining me on an incredible journey through the Bible with daily devotions through Lectio Divina. I promise you that being in God's word will increase your joy in the coming year.
What's New at Calvary...
Lectio Divina: Daily Devotions
On January 1, 2015, the journey begins again! You're invited to trek through the pages of Scripture with Pastor Lionel in 2015. Lectio Divina, the pastor's first devotional commentary series, has been updated for the new year. Whether it's your first tour or your tenth time reading the Bible cover to cover, join the journey and sign-up for your daily e-mail at www.calvarydevos.net. You can also find Lectio Divina on our Calvary smart device app. Search 'Calvary Church Valparaiso' in the app store to download.
Rooted: How to Make Your Marriage Last
Beginning THIS Sunday, 1.4, Calvary's weekly disciple-building forum will work through practical steps and application for How to Make Your Marriage Last. This topic is designed for both married couples and singles! Join Pastor Jon Nitta each Sunday for a discussion and an extended Q&A. Looking to plant yourself deeper in the faith? Get in on a Rooted discussion in room 403 from 9:30a-11a.
Coffee with the Pastors
Calvary guests are invited to Coffee with the Pastors THIS Sunday, 1.4, from 6:30-8p at The South Bend Chocolate Company. Learn about Calvary's values and vision, and take the opportunity to ask questions of the pastoral staff in a casual environment. We would love to meet you! RSVP here!
Nominate Someone to Lead
Calvary is looking for men to join our elder board to serve the needs of our growing church body. Elder candidates should be men of Godly character who are competent and experienced leaders. You are invited to prayerfully consider nominating someone you believe will provide able leadership for our church community. To nominate one or more elder candidates, CLICK HERE.
New Life Groups (small groups) are starting in January through GroupLink, where at a table over lunch you will meet your new Life Group leader and the other people in your group. Once you decide as a group about where and when you will meet, you are off and running! GroupLink is on Sunday, 1.18. Sign-up at the Guest Services desk or online here.
Women's Bible Study
The winter session of women's Bible studies begins January 12 & 13. Join us on Monday evenings for Beth Moore's study, Children of the Day: 1 & 2 Thessalonians. Or join us on Tuesday mornings for a study by Dr. Judi Slattery and Linda Dillow, Passion Pursuit. Click on the study titles for more information and to register online. Stop by our table in the lobby this Sunday to ask questions or to sign-up.
Remembering 2014
To see the Calvary video, Remembering 2014, which offers a snapshot of what God has done through Calvary Church, how God has grown us, and how He has changed people's lives, CLICK HERE.