Though the holidays are over, it's important to remember that giving back is something that should happen all year long and not just in December. Lowell resident, Doris Curless, is just as busy as most during this season, but her energy is put into countless organizations and activities that give back to her beloved community.
One of the organizations that Curless is an avid member of is her church, First United Methodist church in Lowell, where she has been for over 50 years.
"I'm a member of the counting committee. We count church money every Monday. I am also on the finance committee where we work together to solve the finance situations of the church. I am a member of congregational care, which takes care of the people that are members of the church. I just sent cards to people in the church that are ill," Curless said.
Another organization that Curless is a member in is Tri Kappa Zeta Chi, the very active philanthropic society that does community charity work that give scholarships to students.
"We have many fundraising activities that help us generate money and that money goes right into scholarships for different students," Curless said.
Curless is quite the busy lady and has been since she started her volunteer work in 1976. This year she celebrates her 29th year as a volunteer for St. Anthony Medical Center.
This giving back mentality has always been a part of Curless' life.
"I enjoy helping others and reaching out. It probably comes from growing up in a larger family. I had three brothers and three sisters, a very close knit family. I feel that you need to give up your time and yourself. I was taught that from a very young age," Curless said.
Curless isn't the easiest person to get a hold of because she is always on the go. From working at the church resale shop, throwing a Christmas party with the Gleaners, or serving over 509 children through Toys for Tots, she is always putting forth her motto of "sharing and caring."
Lowell definitely has a hard working volunteer that spends her time giving back and bettering her community, and she wouldn't have it any other way.
"I love Lowell! It is a friendly, wonderful town. It's been the best place I've ever lived in my life. The people are just so friendly and outreaching. I belong to many organizations because I believe that when you belong, you have to serve," Curless said.