I am in England for a few days of study and then on my way to Kenya, where I will be preaching this Sunday in all the morning worship services at the Nairobi Chapel. I have learned that a few days surrounded by books is a great way for me to recharge for another busy season of ministry. I covet your prayers as I study and as I travel to Kenya to be with our sister church this coming week.
I'm on this journey with one of our young staff members, Matt Siewart (he's the tall guy who often leads worship with Kurt). I hope that you realize that none of us should take any journey ALONE. And that is why you just have to sign-up for a Life Group if you have not done so already. GroupLink is THIS Sunday (see more information below).
Kurt Felsman and the best worship team in the region will be leading worship this Sunday, and Pastor Josh is ready to bring the Word. I am confident you will be blessed. Thank you again for how willingly you gave in 2014; your giving statements are being prepared now with a HUGE thank you from me for the way your generosity is changing lives FOREVER both in Valparaiso and the world.
What's New at Calvary...
New Life Groups (small groups) are starting this Sunday, 1.18, through GroupLink, where at a table over lunch you will meet your new Life Group leader and the other people in your group. Once you decide as a group about where and when you will meet, you are off and running! Sign-up online here.
IF: Valparaiso
Join us for the IF: Valparaiso simulcast at Calvary on Friday evening, 2.6, and Saturday, 2.7. This 2-day gathering brings together women from around the world to wrestle with the essential questions: IF God is real... THEN what? What purpose does He have for me? IF: Gatherings are about facing those questions head-on and grappling through the hows and whys of living out the answers. Click here to purchase your ticket!
Sevenglory in Concert
What if you could change a life with a $10 concert ticket? On Friday, 2.13 at 7p, rock band Sevenglory with special guest Red Umbrella presents An Evening of Hope and Melody, a benefit concert for Oasis Home in Guatemala. Advance tickets ($10) are on sale now through 2.12 at brownpapertickets.com. Oasis is a residential haven for girls who have been abused or forced into child labor (or both). It's a place for them to heal and experience love and security.
Starting Point Membership Class
Become a part of our family! Starting Point is Calvary's membership class, giving information on what Calvary believes, where it is headed, and why that is important. The class is also designed to connect you with others who are considering making Calvary their home church. Starting Point begins on Sunday, 2.8, at 11:15a and continues for three weeks. Sign-up at the Guest Services Desk on Sunday or online here.
Parent Sunday
Attention Parents of Preschoolers-5th graders! Please join your kids on January 25, for 'Parent Sunday' in Rock Solid Kids during the 9:45a service! You will worship, play games and learn the Bible lesson with your kids. You will also have an opportunity to fellowship with other parents and hear from Pastor Josh the vision of our Children's Ministry and Faith at Home!
Interested in volunteering? If you are interested in getting involved in Children's Ministries as a volunteer, this is a perfect time to come and check out our fantastic ministry to kids! Click here for more information about Parent Sunday.
Nominate Someone to Lead
Calvary is looking for men to join our elder board to serve the needs of our growing church body. Elder candidates should be men of Godly character who are competent and experienced leaders. You are invited to prayerfully consider nominating someone you believe will provide able leadership for our church community. Nominations are open until January 30. To nominate one or more elder candidates, CLICK HERE.
Rooted: How to Make Your Marriage Last
This month, Calvary's weekly disciple-building forum has been working through practical steps and application for How to Make Your Marriage Last. Join Pastor Jon Nitta these next two Sundays for a discussion and an extended Q&A. Looking to plant yourself deeper in the faith? Get in on a Rooted discussion in room 403 from 9:30a-11a.