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Smiling Faces: Spreading Love on the Corner of Washington and Lincolnway

dalton-von-feltI was heading home to get changed for the United Way of La Porte County's Super Smoke Social and I saw this guy standing on the corner. He was waving to everyone, saying I love you and blowing kisses. I thought I'd stop and get a picture of this guy. His name is Dalton VonFeldt and he works at Culver's.

He told me, "I've been out here for two hours just spreading the love. I feel like love can solve everything. I have kisses in my pocket for someone who needs them. Whenever someone does something postive you get it back. I just want to spread some positivity."

He was getting waves and honks. He also gave a guy with scoliosis a ride home and, in return, the guy gave him gloves to wear outside.