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Bailey Elementary Celebrates 2015 National Breakfast Week

Bailly-Breakfast-winners-2015Bailly Elementary School celebrated National School Breakfast Week in early March by serving different breakfast options during that week such as flatbread with sausage, egg and cheese, blueberry muffins, and chocolate chip French toast sticks. Students were also offered a free sample of yogurt parfaits everyday of the week. Students were encouraged to eat breakfast to fuel their brains for the ISTEP testing that also coincided that week. One class per grade level was awarded a prize for the most breakfasts eaten throughout the week.

Jacob Havner's kindergarten class won for most breakfasts eaten overall. His class alone, ate 54 breakfasts throughout the week and are pictured with their Frisbee prize, front row, left to right, Phillip Jenkins, Madison Evans, Donovan Iler, Bryan Babcock, Elijah Lutrick and Emma Browning. Row 2, CHS cadet teacher John Kelly, Kai'ri Latimer, Alexis Meyer, Eve Sibbrell, McKenzie Doot, Alivia Salinas, Jack Heredia and Principal Kevin Zeck. Back row, Teacher Jacob Havner, Gianna Monaco, Ethan Daily, Bear Goodman, Abigail Chalabis, Dante Arvin, Jessica Dahlin, Isaiah Prater and Food Services manager Lisa Ozimek.