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Calvary Link: He is ‘The Way’

Calvary-Link-Good-to-be-HomeIt's here. Passion week. The most anticipated annual celebration in the life of the church. We are joining God's people all over the world this week to re-live the most transforming event that has ever taken place in the history of mankind. Christ died for us. Christ was raised to life for us. And that changes everything--FOREVER. Jesus is 'The Way' to real life.

Please invite someone to one of our four services on Sunday at 6:45a, 8:15a, 9:45a, and 11:15a. Last year, all four services were well attended, but the 8:15a and 9:45a were standing room only. It would be great to get a big crowd at the 6:45a sunrise service to help ease crowding at the later services. Help if you can!

Our Good Friday services are at 5p and 7p on this Friday night. The service will have an ancient-modern feel as we come together to remember the Passion of the Christ for our sins.

I can't wait to worship with you.

PS: Remember that additional parking is available in our shared parking lot with T.J. Middle School. (You can use the Roosevelt Road entrance).

What's New at Calvary...

Easter Weekend at Calvary
Join us Easter Weekend for the Good Friday Communion Services at 5p & 7p and our Worship Services on Easter Sunday at 6:45a, 8:15a, 9:45a, or 11:15a. Invite your friends, neighbors, and family to hear the gospel message of Christ as THE WAY. Celebrate with us the beauty of being part of the church community following Christ together!

Childcare will be available for infants through preschoolers during both the 5p & 7p Good Friday services and the 6:45a Easter service. Full Rock Solid Kids Children's Ministries will be running during the 8:15a, 9:45a, & 11:15a Easter services.

Help us make room for guests in our later Sunday services by joining us for the early Easter sunrise service at 6:45a! Hot coffee and doughnuts will be served before the sunrise service. We also encourage you to park on the north side of the building in the T. J. Middle School parking lot to be sure there are plenty of spaces in our lot for guests on Easter weekend.

Nairobi Chapel Worship Team
In just a couple of weeks, we will be hosting 15 of our Global Ministry partners from the Nairobi Chapel Worship Team. We are looking for a few more Calvary families to host team members in their homes from April 15-21. If you are interested in serving in this way, please contact robyn@calvaryweb.net.

You won't want to miss Sunday, April 19, as the team joins CalvaryLive to lead Sunday morning worship at Calvary!

Women's Ministries
Women's Ministries will be offering two new Bible studies starting next week! Loved by God by Liz Curtis Higgs will be offered on Monday nights starting 4.5 from 6:30p to 8p. A Precepts Bible Study on the book of Jude will start Tuesday, 4.7 from 9:30a to 11:30a. Click on the study titles for more information or to sign-up!

Men's Ministries
Join the Calvary Men's Ministry on the first Thursday of the month as we enjoy food, drink, and each other's company. Meet a new friend, catch up with some old ones, and enjoy life together. We're at Figure 8 Brewery at 7p this week (Thursday, 4.2)!

Rooted: Connecting Your Faith & Work
This month, Calvary's weekly disciple-building forum will explore How to Resolve Conflict. Join Pastor Jon Nitta, on Sundays, 4.12 & 4.19, for a discussion and an extended Q&A. Looking to plant yourself deeper in the faith? Get in on a Rooted discussion in room 403 from 9:30a-11a.

Coffee with the Pastors
Calvary guests are invited to Coffee with the Pastors on Sunday, 5.3, from 6:30-8p at The South Bend Chocolate Company. Learn about Calvary's values and vision, and take the opportunity to ask questions of the pastoral staff in a casual environment. We would love to meet you! RSVP here!

Starting Point Membership Class
Become a part of our family! Starting Point is Calvary's membership class, giving information on what Calvary believes, where it is headed, and why that is important. The class is also designed to connect you with others who are considering making Calvary their home church. Starting Point begins on Wednesday, 5.13, at 6:30p and continues for three weeks. Sign-up at the Guest Services Desk on Sunday or online here.