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Calvary Link: More Changed Lives!

Calvary-Link-Good-to-be-HomeWe want to see more lives changed FOREVER! That is what I live for, and that is what Vision 2020 is all about. It allows our church to reach more worshippers, deepen our own sense of community, impact the lives of more children, AND open a new center for life change! That's a lot! It is a creative way for us to continue changing lives beyond the year 2020!

Last week, Jon Costas, our elder chair, shared with the congregation some of the creative plans we have been working on. We have put addition renderings online for your viewing, plus FAQs and a place for you to provide input. This Sunday, we are hosting Vision 2020 input forums at 9:45a and 11:15a. Plan to attend one of our three morning worship services and spend some time in a forum. Our plans are not finished yet. We need to hear more from you.

As I write this, my heart is filled with hope and excitement about our future. And I can't wait to open the Word this Sunday for our final week of "The Creed." We are also going to eat and drink together (communion) around the gospel as we continue to enjoy God together.

What's New at Calvary...

Coffee with the Pastors
Calvary guests are invited to Coffee with the Pastors on Sunday, 5.3, from 6:30-8p at The South Bend Chocolate Company. Learn about Calvary's values and vision, and take the opportunity to ask questions of the pastoral staff in a casual environment. We would love to meet you! RSVP here!

Vision 2020 Forum
This is God's house, but your life happens here too! Join us for the Vision Forum this Sunday, 5.3, at 9:45a and 11:15a in the Gym. You can see the Vision 2020 construction plans up close and talk to some of the people who have been dreaming big for Calvary's future. Plus share your thoughts and suggestions and ask your questions. We want to hear what you think!

AWANA T & T Boys Lock In
AWANA T & T Club will host an all-night Lock In for 3rd- 5th grade Calvary boys and their friends from Friday, 5.1, at 7p until Saturday morning at 8a. Parents must check boys in and out of the event. CLICK HERE for more information.

AWANA Awards Night
Attention Parents of AWANA Clubbers: Invite friends and family and join your kids on Wednesday night, 5.6, for Awards Night in the Worship Center at 6p. We're celebrating the last night of this year's club!

Starting Point Membership Class
Become a part of our family! Starting Point offers information on what we believe and where we are headed while also connecting you with others who are considering making Calvary their home church. Starting Point is a three-week class. The first session of the spring class is Wednesday, 5.13, at 6:30p. Visit calvaryweb.net or Guest Services to register.

Starting Point for Kids
Starting Point for Kids (for kids 8-12) is a 4-week course focused on God's character, salvation, baptism, and following God's plan. This is a terrific course for children interested in being baptized as well as for those desiring a solid foundation for their faith. The class meets on Sunday mornings beginning 5.17. Parents are encouraged to attend. CLICK HERE for more information and the register, or stop by the Children's Welcome Center today.

Journey Off the Map VBS 2015 is coming Monday evening, 7.20, through Wednesday, 7.22, with Family Fun Night to follow on Thursday, 7.23! Volunteer sign-ups are 6.7 & 6.14. (Plan to attend a Volunteer Lunch after services on 7.12.) Registration for children entering K-5th grade in Fall 2015 will open on 6.21! More details to come!