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La Porte County, Indiana Genealogical Society Holds June 2015 Meeting

LCIGS-June-2015-01The La Porte County, Indiana Genealogical Society enjoyed beautiful weather Tuesday evening, June 9, when we toured St. Mary’s Cemetery in Otis, Indiana. In the scenic, peaceful rural setting is the resting place for many parish members. About twenty members and guests heard about some of these, as told by family members Monica Nowatzke and Carol Lipinski Tylisz. More stories were shared by President Dorothy Palmer and society members Laura Shields and Harold Henderson, assisted by Genealogist/Historian Fern Eddy Schultz. A brochure presented a brief history of the church and cemetery.

Following the tour, many of the participants gathered at Denny’s, on Franklin Street, to share conversation.

Join us next month on July 14. KayLynn Mathews, past director of Valparaiso Family History Center, will present “An Overview of Family Search: what resources it provides and how it can help you in your research.” The meeting starts at 7 PM CDST, at the La Porte Park Department Headquarters at 250 Pine Lake Avenue, La Porte, Indiana.

For more about our society, look to the website, http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~inlcigs/index.htm, our blog, http://lpcgs.blogspot.com/,or like or follow us on Facebook.