What an incredible Father's Day in the Park celebration we shared this past Sunday! Over 1,700 Calvary friends and family packed into Central Park to celebrate fathers and to encourage one another in the hope that we have in the gospel - the unconditional, unbelievable, unending love of our Father in heaven!
This week, I'm at Miracle Camp in Lawton, Michigan, hanging out with a group of our 3rd-5th graders, who are being encouraged with the same gospel message (and enjoying the camp experience)! Author J. D. Greear said it well when he described the gospel as "not just the diving board off of which we jump into the pool of Christianity...it is the pool we swim in each and every day." I'm certain that you're not much different than I am. I need to be reminded of the gospel and its implications every single day.
I can't wait to worship with you again this Sunday at Calvary and continue our series in 1 John with a message on how the gospel creates a community of people who "don't stop believing." We can know that our faith is real, we can have confidence in our salvation, and we can be a means of grace to encourage one another to persevere on this journey! I am praying for you this week: that you would enjoy every gift that God has generously given to you and that this Sunday would be another gift of grace as we gather together to encourage one another to persevere in the hope we have in Jesus.
What's New at Calvary...
Men's Ministry Movie & Pizza Night
The men of Calvary Church and friends are invited to a movie and pizza night! Join us in the Well (Room 500) this Friday, 6.26, at 6p for a fun evening watching the comedy, City Slickers. For more details, click HERE.
Calling all VBS Volunteers!
We still need YOU for the trek of a lifetime helping kids find Jesus! Sign-up now to join our Expedition Team for Journey Off the Map VBS 2015. We will set out from 5:45-8:15p on 7.20-22 and conclude on 7.23 with a Family Fun Night! Click HERE for more information and to sign-up as a volunteer, or stop by one of our tables in the foyer this Sunday.
Summer Life Night: Pool Party!
Want to get more connected at Calvary? If you're thinking about joining a Life Group, Summer Life Nights are the place for you! Dinner and childcare will be provided. Our next Summer Life Night will be a pool party from 6-8p on Wednesday 7.1. This event is for everyone - singles and marrieds, families and empty nesters, college students and senior adults. For more information on where to go or to sign-up, click HERE or visit Guest Services on Sunday.
High School Summer Mission Trip: New Orleans
This summer, our high school students will serve on a week long mission trip to the heart of New Orleans, LA. From 7.17-26, students will work alongside Urban Impact serving children in Day Camps and Recreational Outreach programs. For more information or to help fund their trip, click HERE.
Coffee With the Pastors
Calvary guests are invited to Coffee with the Pastors on Sunday, 7.19, from 6:30-8p at The South Bend Chocolate Company. Learn about Calvary's values and vision, and take the opportunity to ask questions of the pastoral staff in a casual environment. We would love to meet you! RSVP HERE!
Starting Point Turbo Membership Class
Become a part of our family! Starting Point is Calvary's membership class giving information on what Calvary believes, where it is headed, and why that is important. The class is also designed to connect you with others who are considering making Calvary their home church. Our Starting Point Turbo Membership Class combines a 3-week course into one Saturday morning on 7.25 from 8:30a-12p. Sign-up online HERE.
Student Ministries Summer Camp
We are getting ready for a summer full of fun activities! All students entering 7th-12th grade are invited to join us at Miracle Camp for a week of fellowship and learning. For more information, visit our event page, and sign-up directly at www.miraclecamp.com.