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Kouts Graduates Artwork on Display in United States Capitol

Alison-GoetzCongressman Visclosky recently hosted the 2015 Congressional Art Competition in Indiana’s First Congressional District.

Alison Goetz of Kouts was selected as the winner. Goetz designed a piece named “Captain America” that emulates the late President Abraham Lincoln. This past June, Alison graduated from Morgan Township High School and plans on attending Purdue University in the fall.

“When I received the phone call that I had won I was in complete shock. It was extremely special to me since it was my senior year and I was attending such a small school. I recently visited the United States Capitol and remembered seeing the pictures hanging in the tunnel. I would never have thought my next visit to our nation’s capital would be to celebrate my artwork representing Indiana’s First Congressional District,” said Goetz.

Goetz’ artwork will be on display in the United States Capitol for the next year. She recently was able to visit Washington, D.C., and met with other winners from throughout the United States.

“I extend my congratulations to Alison and all of the talented participants for their dedication to the arts,” said Congressman Visclosky.

Attached is a photo of Ms. Alison Goetz with her artwork displayed in the U.S. Capitol.

For additional information on the Congressional Art Competition, please click here.