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Calvary Link: Oasis

Calvary-Link-BeautyWe're coming into a busy season at Calvary Church. I love this time of year! Yes, it's a little chaotic as we try to fit the many welcome-back events and fall programs onto the calendar and into the building, but it's also exciting to see everyone getting back into familiar rhythms. Or diving head first into new ones, like a men's or women's Bible study or a Life Group.

One of our staff once said that he felt like church is an oasis in life's busyness. Church is where we can stop, take a breath, and just be in the presence of God and among His people. There are no expectations to live up to and no pressing deadlines to meet. And after we worship, lift our voices in song, and drink in God's Word together, we go out refreshed. I hope the couple of hours you spend in the Calvary community on Sunday mornings are a delight and solace to you. I also hope you make room in your life for more oasis moments by spending time with other Christ-followers. Looking for a way to connect? There is something going on at Calvary for everyone this fall: kids and students; college students, young adults, and seniors; singles and families; men and women.

You could say that Labor Day weekend is the last hurrah of summer. Make it a good hurrah and hang out with some great friends. Invite some new people over. Step out of the busyness of fall for a moment and call someone you haven't talked to in a long time just to check in. And be sure to make your way to worship on Sunday. We will all celebrate God and enjoy His "oasis" together.

What's New at Calvary...

Coffee with the Pastors
Calvary guests are invited to Coffee with the Pastors on Sunday, 9.13, from 6:30 - 8p at The South Bend Chocolate Cafe. Learn about Calvary's values and vision, and take the opportunity to ask questions of the pastoral staff in a casual environment. We would love to meet you! RSVP here.

Rooted: How to Grow and Change
Rooted is an intentional approach to making disciples. Pastor Jon Nitta hosts these biblically grounded Sunday morning discussions that incorporate teaching, small group interaction, and short weekly projects. Rooted begins on Sunday, 9.13, in room 403 from 9:30 - 11a with a discussion on How to Grow and Change.

Women's Bible Studies
Women's Ministry will be offering new study opportunities starting on September 14 & 15! Join us on Monday nights at 6:30p or Tuesday mornings at 9:30a for an 8-week book study, Simply Tuesday by Emily Freeman. Also available on Tuesday mornings is an 11-week Precepts Bible study on Philippians. Click here for more information and to register online.

AWANA Begins Tonight!
Kids ages 3 through 5th grade are invited to attend our AWANA program, which begins tonight, 9.2, from 5:45 - 7:45p! AWANA teaches kids to love God through Scripture memorization, teaching, worship, and more.

Calvary Kids Casting Calls
K-5th Graders & Parents: You're invited to a Casting Call and Parent Night to learn more about this year's Christmas musical and to get signed up to participate! Join Calvary Kids Director, Sharalee Falls, in room 300 on Sunday, 9.13, from 3 - 4:30p. Click here for further details.

Young Adult Gathering
For awhile now, Pastor Jon has wanted to gather the young adults of Calvary (ages 21-35) so they can grow spiritually together and get to know one another. If you fall into that age bracket, this gathering is for you! Join Pastor Jon on the first Friday of every month for a relaxed evening complete with dinner and discussion. At the first gathering THIS FRIDAY, 9.4, from 7 - 9p in the Well, he will share his thoughts on the Young Adult Ministry and give you a chance to share yours.

Welcome Back, College Students!
College students: On Sunday, 9.13, from 12:30 - 2p, we are hosting a lunch for you to kick off the school year and tell you more about Calvary and the College Ministry. Whether you're a Calvary regular or brand new, come grab a bite in room 403 and hear how the College Ministry will look this year.

Student Ministries Launch Night
All 6-12th grade students & parents: Please join us in the Well on 9.13 from 4:30 - 6p as we kickoff the 2015-2016 school year for Student Ministries. We can't wait to see you! We've got a "Parents Only" time set aside to catch you up on calendars, communication, and partnering together. Don't miss out!

Serve Opportunities:

Sisters in His Service
We will be providing a luncheon meal for family and friends of Virginia Lawson after her memorial service this Friday, 9.4. We're planning for a group of about 40. We will need several ladies (and gentlemen!) to help with set up, serving, and clean up. Would you consider serving our church family in this way? Please contact Mari Matthiesen to let her know how you can help.

Drivers Needed
Would you be willing to pick up college students from Valparaiso University to join us for Sunday morning worship? Contact julie@calvaryweb.net or jerry@calvaryweb.net for details!

Kids Alive Golf Outing
Calvary's Global Ministry partners, Kids Alive International, will be holding a benefit golf outing on October 2. For details on how to register or for sponsorship information for this event, click here.

Financial Peace University
Calvary Church will be offering Financial Peace University Workshop starting this fall on 9.23. Financial Peace University will teach you and your family how to get out of debt, stay out of debt, and build wealth.