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Calvary Link: All I Need

Calvary-Link-BeautyThis Sunday, I begin a new series in the book of Colossians entitled All I Need. We live in a world where people always want more and never seem quite satisfied. What if it is possible to have everything you need? EVERYTHING! Can I be so bold as to say that this series will point us to the person who IS everything we need? Join me as we unleash the truths of God's word one verse at a time in the letter to the Colossians.

One way that Jesus Christ meets our needs is through community. Together we can laugh, share our experiences, ask for help when we're troubled, and grow in our faith. At Calvary, our Life Groups are a conduit for forming those connections, and GroupLink is the conduit to Life Groups. GroupLink is a simple affair - eat some lunch, meet some people around a table, form a Life Group. It's really that easy. And it's happening this Sunday!

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful September weather. See you Sunday morning!

PS We were once again overflowing at the 9:45a service as we welcomed nearly 1500 worshippers last Sunday. We do have more space at our earlier and later services if you are having a hard time finding a seat.

What's New at Calvary...

GroupLink Life Group Sign-up
New Life Groups (small groups) are starting this month through GroupLink, where at a table over lunch you will meet your new Life Group leader and the other people in your group. Once you decide as a group about where and when you will meet, you are off and running! GroupLink is THIS SUNDAY, 9.20. Sign-up online here.

Financial Peace University
Calvary Church will be offering the Financial Peace University Workshop this fall starting on 9.23. Financial Peace University will teach you and your family how to get out of debt, stay out of debt, and build wealth.

Serve Valparaiso University International Students
We are looking for families to partner with Friendship Families by befriending incoming Valparaiso University international students. This is a great opportunity to have a Christian impact by simply sharing your life with a student as he or she adjusts to American life and culture. Students and families are paired throughout the school year. Both families and students fill out a questionnaire, which will facilitate the matching process. Click here to fill out the application online today!

Drivers Needed
Would you be willing to pick up college students from Valparaiso University to join us for Sunday morning worship? Contact julie@calvaryweb.net or jerry@calvaryweb.net for details!

Rooted: How to Grow and Change
Rooted is an intentional approach to making disciples. Pastor Jon Nitta hosts these biblically grounded Sunday morning discussions that incorporate teaching, small group interaction, and short weekly projects. Rooted continues this Sunday, 9.20, in room 403 from 9:30 - 11a with a discussion on How to Grow and Change.

Kids Alive Golf Outing
Calvary's Global Ministry partner, Kids Alive International, will be holding a benefit golf outing on October 2. For details on how to register or for sponsorship information for this event, click here.

Women's Ministry Special Event
Save the date! On Saturday, 11.7, we are excited to have author and speaker Emily Freeman visit Calvary for a special women's event! Join us for a morning of worship with Kurt Felsman, followed by teaching and encouragement from Emily! Details and registration information will be available soon.