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Valpo Challenges City to Get Fit for Less in 2015

Valparaiso-Vibrant-VisionaryWant some help in getting fit? Take Valpo’s Fit City Challenge and you can use eight Valparaiso fitness facilities for eight weeks for just $25. That’s right, eight Valparaiso fitness facilities are partnering to offer special programming and access free to Fit City Challenge members from Nov. 1 to Dec. 31. Participating facilities include Extra Mile Fitness Company, Integrated Movement, Pumps Fitness, Top Fuel CrossFit, TruFit Valpo, Will Power Fitness, The Yoga Sanctuary at The Lotus Center, and Valparaiso Family YMCA.

“The Fit City Challenge is an excellent opportunity for people to explore fitness options and set new goals for the coming year,” said Mayor Jon Costas who introduced the Fit City initiative in 2005. “We aim to be Indiana’s fittest city. Providing pathways, parks, and programs like Fit City make it easier for all of us to move more.”

Sign Up Today
Just 500 Fit City Challenge cards will be sold. To sign up for the Fit City Challenge and receive your membership card, stop by the Parks office at 3210 Campbell Street or call the Parks office at 219-462-5144. To see details of each facility’s special offer, visit valparaisoparks.org and look under “Programs” for Fit City.