During one of our crowded worship services on Sunday, I closed my eyes for a moment of worship and then began to raise my hands. As I was seated on an aisle, I was a little startled when my arm bumped someone. I turned to see whom I had inadvertently blessed with a smack and saw one of our ushers! He was working hard to try to fit another person into one of the few empty chairs left in a crowded sanctuary.
I'm so thankful for all those who serve our church. Thank you, First Impressions team (greeters, ushers, Guest Services volunteers, et al.), for making our church a welcoming place. Thank you to the many men, women, and teens freely giving your time to teach our children the gospel and love on them. Thank you to the countless behind-the-scenes servants, like the Tech Team and Compassion Team, who care for our church family in unique ways. (You may be behind-the-scenes, but you are not unnoticed!) And thank you, Life Group leaders, for leading the 45+ "small churches" inside our "big church." We are all working together to change lives forever.
I am also thankful for your patience as we pray and prepare for the future. We want to be sure we hear God's voice and that we build for His glory. I love being your pastor, and I am so thankful for you.
What's New at Calvary...
Prayer Warriors Needed
God, what would you have us do? This fall, we are entering a season of prayer as we ask God to continue to bless our church and to show us what He would have us do in the months and years ahead. One of the first things we're doing is initiating a prayer gathering on Sunday mornings. Join Dan and Candie Blankenburg every Sunday in the church conference room at 9:45a. Come and pray for our church; we need you!
Coffee With the Pastors
Calvary guests are invited to Coffee With the Pastors on Sunday, 11.1, from 6:30 - 8p at The South Bend Chocolate Café. Learn about Calvary's values and vision, and ask questions of the pastoral staff in a casual environment. We would love to meet you! RSVP here.
Women's Ministries Special Event
We are excited to kick off the holiday season with author and speaker Emily Freeman! She will visit Calvary for a special women's event on November 7 beginning at 9a. Join us for a morning of worship with Kurt Felsman followed by teaching and encouragement from Emily. Women of all ages are welcome to come and relax, worship, connect with others over brunch, and enjoy! Get all the detail HERE, plus purchase advance tickets before November 1.
Rooted: Strengthening Families
Calvary's disciple-making class, Rooted, will offer a mini-course in November on Strengthening Families. Our church is committed to building strong families, and we think the gospel both guides and helps families that are striving to keep their bonds tight and parents who are raising kids in a chaotic world. Strengthening Families meets just two Sundays, 11.1 and 11.15, with Pastor Jon Nitta and Pastor Josh Reasoner leading.
College Students Lunch Gathering
Lunch is on us! Get to know other college students and grow deeper together at a lunch gathering on Sunday, 11.1, from 12:30 - 2:00p. Meet in room 403 after the third service.
Job Opening
Calvary is seeking a part-time accounting manager/bookkeeper. If you are a Calvary member (or are pursuing membership), have a strong accounting background, practical experience in fund-based accounting and account reconciliation, and a rock-solid commitment to confidentiality, we'd like to talk to you about being part of our staff team. Submit a resume and cover letter to Lori Coslet.