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Calvary Link: Generosity Spills Out

Calvary-Link-Old-and-NewEven as a young ministry couple in our early twenties, my wife and I were committed to generosity. We always gave. Always! And we were always blessed, even in those days when we didn't have quite as much. Our God is generous, and that's why we are generous. Generosity changes US. And others are changed through our generosity.

I am so thankful to lead a generous church family. You are giving faithfully each week, and we are meeting our budget! In the last few months, you have provided food baskets for people who need help getting a Thanksgiving meal together, supported the local "500 Turkeys" ministry, and provided winter outerwear and Christmas gifts for moms and kids in need. Even the kids are learning generosity as they use their AWANA "shares" to give household goods to Housing Opportunities and goats (yes, goats!) to Kids Alive families.

As we do every year, we will be helping people in our church and our community through our Compassion Fund. See the Holiday Assistance plan below, plus I'll have details for you soon on even more ways we can bless others in our church, our community, and the world.

What's New at Calvary...

Holiday Assistance
Thanks to the generosity of our church family, we have opportunities to offer help to people in our community and around the world! Your giving to the Compassion Fund helps our neighbors and those within our church who are in need. If you know anyone who needs assistance this holiday season, contact the church office (219-462-4026) or email Lori Coslet, Office Manager.

Calvary is again working with our ministry partner Kids Alive to provide resources to children in need around the globe. You can give a gift of food, medicine, livestock, or other necessities to a Kids Alive family this Christmas season. Pick up a gift catalog at Guest Services or go online to kidsalive.org/giftcatalog to choose a life-changing gift.

Majesty & Mystery
Kurt Felsman, our Director of Worship, is debuting a new album, and it's coming to Calvary first! The Calvary family can purchase Majesty & Mystery on Sunday, November 29 before it goes on sale to the world (via iTunes) on December 1. CDs will also be available on Sunday, December 6. Check out kurtfelsman.com.

50 Volunteer Challenge
Help Children's Ministries get 50 NEW volunteers for classes coming in January! We are excited to introduce a new space for 4 & 5 year olds and three new nurseries, and we need 50 volunteers to help in these rooms during our three services. It only takes a few hours a month to impact the life of a child forever. Contact Victoria Evans-Peasley, Director of Children's Ministries, to be one of the 50 making a difference!

Student Ministries SERVE
This Saturday, 11.21, is a day of serving for Calvary students! Arrive at Calvary at 9a for a full day of hands-on service to people in Valparaiso and Chicago who need a little extra care this holiday season. Middle school students are distributing meal bags with all the fixings for a Thanksgiving meal to families at Housing Opportunities. High school students are headed up to Chicago to serve the homeless in the city. Get all the important details, sign up, and get the necessary forms HERE.

Calvary Kids Christmas Musical
Calvary Kids presents "The Christmas S.O.C.C.E.R. Team," a musical fusion of Christmas fun on Saturday, 12.5, from 6-8p! Invite friends and family for this light-hearted show with a great gospel message. The Society of Christmas Carolers Emergency Rescue (S.O.C.C.E.R.) Team needs help to keep their favorite carols alive and kicking. Will they get it from the kids who show up ready for soccer try-outs?

Men's Ministries Christmas Dinner
The annual Men's Christmas Dinner is at Kelsey's Steakhouse in Valpo on Thursday, 12.3 @ 7p. This low-key event gives Calvary guys a chance to celebrate the birth of our Savior together. RSVP at Guest Services on Sunday or online anytime. Contact John Bryant if you have questions.

Prayer Partners Needed
God, what would you have us do? This fall, we are entering a season of prayer as we ask God to continue to bless our church and to show us what He would have us do in the months and years ahead. One of the first things we're doing is initiating a prayer gathering on Sunday mornings. Join Dan and Candie Blankenburg every Sunday in the church conference room at 9:45a. Come and pray for our church; we need you!