Giving is so much fun! I think the reason people are so happy this time of year is because the season is all about giving. Whether we're dropping spare change in a red bucket, bringing stuffing and boxed mashed potatoes to church for hungry families, or watching a loved one unwrap the perfect gift, we enjoy the experience of giving. It's fun to know someone else is benefiting from our gift.
Calvary is committed to being generous too. That's why we are giving away every penny that comes in over our annual budget. Yes, you read that correctly. Everything that isn't already allocated to our church, a local ministry partner, or a global mission is going right back out the door to change lives. We are going to help people in our church and community who are struggling through the Compassion Fund. We are going to partner with Compass International Family Center, which offers programs to immigrant families who have moved to our city from around the world. And we are going to work alongside Nairobi Chapel to plant a church like ours in Kampala, Uganda.
I have to tell you, I am excited to be generous! And I'm thankful to lead such a generous church. We believe in guilt-free generosity around here. Give what you can when you can and let God use it how He will.
What's New at Calvary...
Majesty & Mystery
Calvary Director of Worship Kurt Felsman's new album came out this week! The Calvary family can purchase Majesty & Mystery CDs this Sunday, 12.6. Visit for more ways to purchase or download the album. Invite friends to stop by Kurt's site for a taste of the rich worship songs that he hopes people will be singing back to God.
Calvary Kids Christmas Musical
Calvary Kids presents "The Christmas S.O.C.C.E.R. Team," a musical fusion of Christmas fun on Saturday, 12.5, from 6 - 8p! Invite friends and family for this light-hearted show with a great gospel message. The Society of Christmas Carolers Emergency Rescue (S.O.C.C.E.R.) Team needs help to keep their favorite carols alive and kicking. Will they get it from the kids who show up ready for soccer try-outs?
Fear Not: A Christmas Message For Our Time
"Fear not," an angel told the shepherds on a hill outside Bethlehem 2000 years ago, and the words still echo for us today. Join us at Calvary on the Sunday before Christmas (12.20) when Pastor Lionel will present a special message, "Fear Not: A Christmas Message For Our Time." Our times are full of uncertainty, but the "good tidings of great joy" are still for all people. Invite friends and family - believers and nonbelievers--for this special Sunday focusing on the hope of Jesus in a world of fear.
Christmas Eve Services
Experience the anticipation of Christmas Eve with Calvary Church on Thursday, 12.24. We are offering three services this year at 1p, 3p, and 5p, each with contemporary worship, a message of hope from Pastor Lionel, and a shared time of communion. Children's Ministries will be available for infants through preschoolers. Elementary-aged children joining their parents in the Worship Center can pick up an activity bag at Guest Services. Give the gift of time this Christmas, and serve the Calvary community and guests on Christmas Eve. Volunteer to work in a nursery or preschool classroom during one of the Christmas Eve services so parents can be part of the service.
Men's Ministries Christmas Dinner
The annual Men's Christmas Dinner is at Kelsey's Steakhouse in Valpo tomorrow evening, Thursday, 12.3 @ 7p. This low-key event gives Calvary guys a chance to celebrate the birth of our Savior together. RSVP online or contact John Bryant if you have questions.
Young Adult Gathering
This evening of dinner and discussion is hosted by Pastor Jon Nitta for young adults between the ages of 21 and 35. The gathering is a great opportunity to grow spiritually and to meet new people. Please join us in the Well this Friday, 12.4, from 7 - 9p.
College Lunch Gathering
Lunch is on us! Get to know other college students and grow deeper together at this monthly lunch gathering. Meet in room 403 THIS Sunday, 12.6, from 12:30p - 2:00p.