Chesterton High School has 33 students who have graduated mid-year this January 2016. Those mid-year graduates chosing to receive their diplomas in January are Connor Brown, Zachariah De La Cruz, Joseph Deiotte, William Dickinson Jr., Madison Girgenti, Kaitlin Kuypers, Daniel Larsen, Colin Lenburg, Connor Rucklos, Drew Taylor, Emma Washo, Aubrey Watkins, Chad Whitfield, Derek Willett and Isabella Wozniak.
The remaining graduates will be recognized and receive their diplomas at Commencement on June 2. Those students are Nadja Allen, Nicole Arney, Haylee Corzan, Joseph Dishman, Cheyenne Evener,
Kendall Fancher-Keller, Alecia Gill, Dylan Jayasuriya, Journey Joll, Kaleigh Lovekamp, Julia Pena, Petra Pena, Isabella Ratcliff, Cathryn Shoemaker, Claire Straitiff, Hayley Thielen, Trevor Turner and Amber Watson.