Home»Other»Zigler Road Site Access Restricted during 2016 Fair Week

Zigler Road Site Access Restricted during 2016 Fair Week

la-porte-solid-waste-district-logoAccess will be restricted to the Zigler Road green waste site between July 10 and 16 while the La Porte County Fair is running, the La Porte County Solid Waste District announced.

No access to Zigler Road will be available from Highway 2 during this time, and roadblocks will also be set up at 5th Street and Zigler Road restricting access from that direction.

“We encourage you not to use the site during fair week due to the high volume of traffic expected in the area,” said Clay Turner, District executive director. “If you must use the site, please be mindful and don’t block 4-Hers, county workers and others from getting to the fair.”

The green waste site at Westville Correctional Facility is available for use from 8 am to 2 pm Monday through Friday. Green waste includes grass clippings, leaves and branches. No treated lumber, building materials, furniture, tires or other trash are allowed at these sites.

Please call the District at (219) 326-0014 with any questions or for more information.