Porter Health Care System announced that its Engineering Department has achieved five years without a lost-time accident. This translates to 1,825 days without a recordable injury according to Porter’s Regional Executive Director for Facilities Christian Goss.
“We are extremely proud of our associates for making this significant accomplishment,” said Chief Operating Office Ashley Dickinson. “The awareness and training that are required to meet this achievement takes a great deal of time, resources and responsibility to implement. We have an exceptional engineering team and this is a wonderful example of their ongoing commitment to quality and patient safety throughout our healthcare system.”
According to Goss, the Engineering Department’s role is to meet the needs of all facilities associated with Porter Health Care System. “It’s a 24/7, 365 days a year responsibility. We meet the ever-increasing demands of all of our facilities which include everything from daily maintenance such as fixing a patient’s bed or changing light bulbs to all construction projects – big and small.”
Goss added that Porter’s engineering team touches everything that helps the health care system run. “Engineering has kept its safety focus while operating around heavy equipment, massive filtration and HVAC systems as well as at on-site construction areas. An achievement like this takes more than just being committed to safety – it requires that safety be our primary focus and we take it very seriously.”
To read more about Porter Health Care System, visit www.PorterHealth.com.