Jesus was born in a manger in the little town of Bethlehem. It’s a story beautiful in its simplicity. And yet there are so many distractions this time of year that joy can drain out of the season. Let me encourage you to keep it simple. Do a little shopping, but don’t make this season about the Christmas presents. Let it be about the people. Be with friends. Cozy up on the couch with the people you love. Make worship a priority every Sunday of Advent. Do something generous for a person in need. Make the season simply beautiful.
Advent is a simply beautiful season of the year. The word itself—advent—means “the coming of Christ” and so this is when we commemorate Jesus coming into the world for the first time to, as our series in Galatians reminds us, set us free. Join us every Sunday of Advent at 8:15a, 9:45a, and 11:15a. (Remember the 9:45a service will most likely be overflow seating only.) And as you’re making your holiday plans, be sure to join us on Christmas Eve at one of our four celebratory worship services at 10a, 12p, 2p or 4p and on New Year’s Day, Sunday 1.1, at 9:45a or 11:15a.
Thank you for your generosity all year long and especially to our Even More project. You are amazing! If you want to be part of our annual Gifts of Hope offering, you can give a special gift online or any Sunday through the end of the year. All your gifts go to help people who need hope. Some are people in our own church and some are in our community. But most of our gifts will go to help launch new outreach projects like our dream to begin a new partnership with Kids Alive in Haiti.
I sure love being your pastor. I'm all in for your joy.
Gifts of Hope
Above our regular giving this holiday season, we want to give Gifts of Hope to share the love of Jesus Christ with our neighbors. Our Gifts of Hope will support families in need, nurture kids and families in our community, provide for orphans, and more. You can help!
Help Needed
You can give a special gift to families at Calvary this Christmas—your time and attention to their little ones! We are in need of volunteers in Children's Ministries at all four Christmas Eve services (10a, 12p, 2p, 4p). Contact April Millard, Director of CM, to help.
Christmas Musical
Saturday 12.3 @ 6p
Enjoy a night filled with music and fun for the whole family as our Calvary Kids put on a heart-warming play, "Miracle on Main Street," all about spreading the joy of Christmas.
Christmas Dinner
Thursday 12.1 @ 7p
Kelsey's Steakhouse
Calvary Men are gathering to remember and celebrate the Savior's birth together. Anyone is welcome.
Young Adult Gathering
Friday 12.2 @ 7p
This monthly gathering is for young adults to connect and also grow spiritually. Pastor Jon facilitates the evening and gives plenty of opportunity for conversation and community-building.
CSM Returns
Sunday 12.4 @ 4 & 6:30p
Calvary Students is back and kicking off a new holiday-themed series, Another Christmas Story. Middle school meets at 4p and high school at 6:30p.