On the day before Christmas, more than 2,200 people crowded into four worship services for our largest Christmas Eve gathering ever! With four full services—some with standing room only—the day exceeded our expectations in the best way possible. It was a Christ-centered exclamation point to another amazing year at Calvary. Lives are being changed because of Christ and because you are inviting friends to hear the gospel, giving your time to serve the church, and letting God use you. When everyone does something, there is no limit to what God might do through us. The church "grows and builds itself up in love as each part does its work" (Ephesians 4:16).
Your giving is making a difference too. God has been very good to us at Calvary this year, and I am overwhelmed by the way you have generously given to the work of changing lives forever in 2016. We are very close to meeting our budget for 2016, but we aren't quite there yet! Please help us finish the year strong so that we can keep our commitments to our church family, our community, orphans, and church plants around the world. We need you! There are still 4 days left to postmark or drop off a 2016 gift. Remember anything that comes in over our budget goes straight to Gifts of Hope.
Join me this Sunday for New Years Day worship services at 9:45 and 11:15a (no 8:15a service) as I talk about how the spiritual disciplines can help make 2017 a fantastic year for your soul. I'm looking forward to worshipping with you!
Reminder About Your Gifts
The tax year ends on December 31, 2016. If you are planning to give your regular tithe or an extra gift to Gifts of Hope and want it to be included in the 2016 tax year, you can give online, by mail, or at Calvary through 12.31.16 (office hours are 9a-5p Monday through Friday). Gifts must be dated and postmarked or received by December 31. Anything put in the offering on Sunday, January 1 is designated for the 2017 tax year.
What's New at Calvary...
New Years Day Worship
Sunday 1.1 at 9:45a & 11:15a
Bring in the New Year at Calvary! We'll worship together at 2 services (9:45 & 11:15a) and encourage you to make 2017 a year of prayer. Childcare is available for infant-preschoolers. Pick up activity bags for young worshippers at Guest Services.
Lectio Divina
Spend 2017 in God's Word with Pastor Lionel Young as your guide! Lectio Divina (divine reading) is a yearlong Bible reading plan with daily commentary from Pastor Lionel. Visit the Lectio Divina website for a sample and to sign up to receive the devotions in your inbox beginning 1.1.
Coffee with the Pastors
Sunday 1.8 at 6:30p
South Bend Chocolate Cafe, Valpo
Learn about Calvary and let us get to know you! Meet up with our pastors, staff, and other visitors and newcomers to ask questions and find out more about the church.
Life Group Launch
Sunday 1.15 at 1p
TJ Middle School Cafeteria
New Life Groups launch in January! Build authentic relationships and grow in your faith as you "do life together" with others from Calvary. This 1.5-hour event makes joining a group easy.
New Winter Events
Registration is now open online for the 2017 winter Bible studies! Or register in the church foyer between services on Sunday 1.8 or 1.15. For more ways to connect with Calvary Women, check out the IF:Tables coming up in January.
2017 Missions Trips
There is an informational meeting on Sunday 1.8 at 11:15a for parents and students interested in the Calvary Students missions trips to either New Orleans or Kalamazoo. Plus applications are still being accepted for the Family Trip to Guatemala.