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Calvary Link: Bring on 2017!

Calvary-Link-New-Years-2017I am thankful for new beginnings and I'm ready for a new year. My wife and I are praying big in 2017 for our family, our friends, and the church community we serve. We pray together every morning over coffee and we always end our prayers with the priestly blessing in Numbers 6:22-26. We want God to bless us and the people we love in 2017!

Thank you again for an amazing 2016. You invited friends to hear the gospel; served in the church, the community and the world; and gave generously. In case you didn't hear, together we exceeded our 2016 budget while also committing $3.75M to the Even More project! Wow! And a big welcome to the new people who began giving in 2016. We are glad you have joined us in the mission of changing lives forever!

Your giving statements will be coming to you in January along with a thank you note. You’ll also receive a brief ministry report showing how our money was used in 2016. Our finances are managed by the amazing team of professionals. Give our staff a few weeks to prepare those for you and then let us know if you have any questions at all. We want to use our money wisely!

We are back in Galatians this Sunday, and back to 3 worship services at 8:15a, 9:45a, and 11.15a. We need you early risers to help us at 8.15a; it will be very full in our later two services.

May the Lord bless you!

Lectio Divina
Did you resolve to study the Bible more this year? Lectio Divina (divine reading) is a yearlong Bible reading plan with helpful daily commentary from Pastor Lionel. Visit the Lectio Divina website for a sample and to sign up to receive the devotions in your inbox.

Coffee with the Pastors
Sunday 1.8 at 6:30p
South Bend Chocolate Cafe, Valpo

Learn about Calvary and let us get to know you! Meet up with our pastors, staff, and other visitors and newcomers to ask questions and find out more about the church.


Life Group - Launch
Sunday 1.15 at 1p
TJ Middle School Cafeteria

New Life Groups launch in January! Build authentic relationships and grow in your faith as you "do life together" with others from Calvary. This 1.5-hour event makes joining a group easy.


Starting Point - Membership Sessions
Sunday 1.29 at 11:15a

Find out what Calvary is all about, how you can be a part of the community, and what God can do in us when we follow Him together! Whether you're considering membership or just want to learn more about what it means to be a Christ-follower, start here!


New Winter Events
Registration is now open online for the 2017 winter Bible studies! Or register in the church foyer between services on Sunday 1.8 or 1.15. For more ways to connect with Calvary Women, check out the IF:Tables coming up in January.

Coming Up This Sunday
11:15a in room 403 - Get detail on the summer missions trips to Kalamazoo and New Orleans.

4p (MS) & 6:30p (HS) - Students kick off the new semester this Sunday with a new series, The Comparison Trap.

Men's Gathering
Thursday 1.5 at 7p
The Market, Valpo

There is no RSVP needed for this informal, monthly drop-in gathering at area restaurants. Join us to catch up with old friends and meet new ones.

Young Adult Gathering
Friday 1.13 at 7p

This monthly gathering gives young adults a chance to connect with one another and to grow spiritually. Pastor Jon Nitta facilitates the evening and gives plenty of opportunities for conversation, laughter, and community-building.