Home»Community»Serving»Healthcare Foundation of La Porte Receives Funds from Bowl for a Cure for Breast Cancer Project

Healthcare Foundation of La Porte Receives Funds from Bowl for a Cure for Breast Cancer Project

Healthcare-Foundation-of-La-Porte-Receives-Funds-from-Bowl-for-a-Cure-for-Breast-Cancer-ProjectThe Michigan City Women’s Bowling Association held their 16th Annual Bowl for a Cure event on February 26, 2017. This event raises funds for local organizations that support women in La Porte County through breast health education and detection efforts.

The 2017 event raised $8,310, with the proceeds being equally divided between the Healthcare Foundation of La Porte’s (HFL) Breast Cancer Project and Franciscan Health Michigan City Hospital Women’s Health Center. Bowl for a Cure has been supporting HFL’s Breast Cancer Project since 2009, gifting a total of $44,945 over the years.

“The Michigan Women’s Bowling Association enjoys holding this tournament every year. Everyone who participates has a good time, and they are all there to raise money for breast health and early detection,” said Marilyn Schnick, Chair of the Bowl for A Cure Committee. “Giving to the community means a lot to our association.”

HFL’s Breast Cancer Project is an established comprehensive effort that encourages and educates women in and around La Porte about breast health and the importance of early detection. This effort provides screening mammograms and diagnostic mammography services to uninsured women who meet ACS High Risk criteria or are forty years of age and older.

The Michigan City Women’s Bowling Association hosts Bowl for a Cure on the last Sunday in February each year, with the 2018 event scheduled for February 25.

“HFL appreciates the support of the Michigan City Women’s Bowling Association and our other Breast Cancer Project partners, IBCAT and La Porte Firefighters Local 363,” said Maria Fruth, President and CEO of HFL. “Their partnership allows us to make a real impact on women’s health in our community.”