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#1StudentNWI: Unknown Spirits that Roam the Halls of Hammond High

#1StudentNWI: Unknown Spirits that Roam the Halls of Hammond High

Outstanding commitment of Mr. Craig

What do you call a teacher that sometimes comes off as a little misunderstood. Well, the students at Hammond High call him Mr.Craig. He is the type of teacher that wants to build and create new things that will improve Hammond High.

Craig is involved with many different programs at Hammond High such as the Digital Innovation Lab, Tech Club, National Honor Society, AP Studio Art, and much more. He gets his hands in everything at Hammond High and always tries to stay in high spirits every day. His humor is something that will keep students going even when they don’t want to.

One of the many projects Craig has a hand in that is improving Hammond High involves the mural outside of the school. He noticed that it was falling apart, so he decided to contact people and find money to fund a project to remodel the mural outside. Now, he is working hard along with help from his AP class to fulfill this task before his time comes to an end.

Sadly, this will be the last thing he does here at Hammond High because he has been given the opportunity to pursue new goals in his life. It’s truly amazing how much work he has done for Hammond High school. Mr. Craig has been an amazing teacher and influence to many students at Hammond High, and his presence will be missed.

Ordinary student or someone chasing a dream?

1Student-Hammond-Nov-2017-02At Hammond High there are students who come from all different backgrounds and ethnicities. There are students that love sports, play games, organize events, and much more. There are also students who excel in building Hammond High's reputation with their skills.

Taylor Coleman is involved in yearbook for Hammond High and serves as director of the student news show over at the ACC. Not only that but she edits many different news segments and has even filmed a mini tv show called the Studio.

Coleman is also a part of a first year mini documentary in which she served as the Executive Producer. She has done so much in her last year of highschool to give back and still has been able to maintain her grades. Taylor is an amazing student, person, friend, and broadcaster. It’s hard not to see the hidden talent and passion for the things she does for herself and others. Wish her the best of luck in her future careers and hope she continues to do great things for Hammond High. Cut!

Happy Halloween!

1Student-Hammond-Nov-2017-03Hammond High is known to be able to come up with many different activities for certain times of the year. With Halloween being the theme of the month, many different clubs have come up with ways to support that purpose.

Student Council came up with a fundraising idea intended to help support their funds for future activities. On the day of Halloween they set up tables in the front of Hammond High and in the gym filled with store bought baked goods. They had reasonable prices for different mouth watering foods like glazed donuts, M&M cookies, cookie cake, and let's not forget the fudge brownies. They had a great turnout and plan on doing it again next month.

1Student-Hammond-Nov-2017-04They weren't the only Hammond High club to get in the spirit of Halloween. The JROTC hosted a Haunted House with food and dancing. Despite a bit of late planning, they managed to get it done. Many of the cadets came together to provide help for the function and feed everyone. They served chicken along with drinks and candy to everyone that came. Even though they had rocky moments they stayed positive and made it through. They plan to have something spectacular and well planned out for next year's haunted house.

Fairytale Come True

Hammond High has decided to plan a Snowball for all students to attend and have fun. The school usually shies away from school dances for many reasons, so the decision to plan something has not gone unnoticed.

Student council has come up with different ideas to make sure that a successful dance can be planned this year. They’re planning to have the very first Snowball Dance in years here in the gym of Hammond High. They will fund the school dance with money from different fundraisers such as bake sales.

The Snowball dance will be run by student council with the help of Ms. Ellis. They are still trying to decide if they will try to incorporate another spirit week and homecoming committee for this event. If so they will have a Snow King and Queen and new themes for spirit week. They are doing a great job with trying to get more events going for the students at Hammond High.

Another thing that will be going on at Hammond High is the annual Thanksgiving Community Dinner. Hammond's JAG class will be a part of the event along with JROTC. They always have a great turnout and have more than enough food to go around for everyone. This year they hope to get more people and be of service to anyone that needs it. Hopefully they accomplish the goal they have and outdo the year before!