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St. Mary School, Crown Point, Expands 1 to 1 Technology Program

St. Mary School, Crown Point, Expands 1 to 1 Technology Program

Over the last decade plus, St. Mary Catholic Community School in Crown Point has drastically improved its use of technology as a tool in the classroom. After extensive upgrades to the physical building and installation of a commercial-grade wireless system several years ago, a 1 to 1 technology program was implemented. The program began with the junior high students, was later extended to the elementary building and next year will expand all the way down to first grade. “We’ve been very intentional about seeking out best practices in the area of technology. Amazing teachers who have the best technology at their disposal and students who responsibly put this technology to use creates an optimal learning environment. We provide a perfect balance of old school teaching with modern tools,” said principal, Tom Ruiz.

When asked if she thought first graders were ready for the 1 to 1 program, first grade teacher and twenty year veteran Mrs. Romie Kabella said, “Absolutely! First graders today have grown up with technology. The curriculum that we adopted works in concert with the devices our students will have in their hands. The programs we have will help us further challenge our advanced students and help all students build the skills needed to be successful. We’re very excited about this new implementation!”

St. Mary Catholic Community School in Crown Point was opened in 1872. The school offers grade levels Junior Pre-Kindergarten (for three year olds) through grade eight. St. Mary’s faculty teaches a rich curriculum and has emerged as a leader in the area of technology in northwest Indiana. St. Mary’s is currently accepting new students for the 2018-2019 school year. To learn more about St. Mary’s School or schedule a tour, visit stmarycp.org/school.